Chapter Four

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   "You mustn't feel sorry for them down there." Nyra started as I looked down into the Pelletorium, wondering if I would be able to see Soren and Gylfie from up on the platform we were on. "As lower species, they are fortunate to serve a higher cause. As Tyto owls, their natural superiors... you too are part of that plan. One that will soon bring order to all the owl kingdoms... when the Pure Ones will rule. A new and noble era will dawn. Now, prove your greatness... and rise." Nyra said while we start to take flight, pushing our wings down while trying to reach the high room of the area.
   "Higher!" She yelled as we got halfway there. I looked around to see Kludd and the masked owl from before have a glaring competition while trying to beat the other.
   "Higher!" Nyra yelled and I pumped my wings to try and reach the ceiling.
Soon we were allowed to stop as Nyra led us away from the Pelletorium.
   "Hey." Said a voice from besides me. I looked to see us was the masked owl from before. "Hello?" I greeted with a sort of question. "I'm Vaygar. Tyto Novaehollandiae. You?" He said, introducing himself. "I'm Ash. One of the very very very few black Tyto Albas. In fact, you probably won't see another one in your lifetime or even the lifetime of your future owlets if you have any." I said, answering the question that I knew was going to be asked before Vaygar could even open his beak.
   He smiled. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you, Ash." He said while tilting his head towards me as he continued on ahead.
   Soon we got to a separate crevice within the canyon. Nyra brought a cage in front of us that held a small blue bird.
   "Now, the best of you... the fittest and the most brilliant... I will present to the Lord High Tyto. So let's see how much you've improved... as fliers, as fighters." She then opened the cage and let the bird out.
   It flew away from us and we all turned to look at Nyra. "Well?" She asked and we all took off after the bird.
   I soon found myself right behind the bird and I tried to catch it but I was quickly pulled back. "Hey!" I shouted as Kludd and Vaygar shot past me. I gritted my beak before flying after them.
   Vaygar flew over a flag but Kludd flew into it, throwing it behind him. I brought my wings to my side and dive bombed to the canyon floor to avoid the flag. I heard shouts behind me, and giggled lightly at the sound of shock.
   I felt the air push up against me before I opened my wings to catch the air. I rocketed after Kludd, but Vaygar was still in the lead after the bird.
I suddenly got an idea and I raced alongside the cavern wall. I watched as Kludd was about to shove Vaygar and I put on a burst of speed that was caused by an adrenaline rush.
   Kludd shoved past the masked owl and opened his wings to catch the bird at the same time as I did. When we landed on the ground, we both had our talons on the bird.
   I heard a whoosh of air and Nyra had landed right behind Kludd, we both went still. "Well done. You two shown exceptional obedience and discipline. My husband will be most pleased by your progress." I let go of the bird and so did Kludd, allowing the bird to get away.
   "Tell me, does your brother have similar potential as a flier, Kludd?" Nyra asked and Kludd looked at her with disbelief. "Who, Soren? No. He fell out of the tree when he was still a hatchling. He's lame." Kludd said, trying to dismiss the topic.
   "Oh, soldier," Nyra said in amusement. "You mustn't confuse praise for license. Never lie to me. For the Lord High Tyto, we need as many strong fliers as we can find. Come, let's tell your brother what rewards there are... for those who recognize their true family." Nyra said while leading us away, most likely back to the Pelletorium.

Guardian's of Ga'hoole: Out of the AshOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora