Chapter Two

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I smiled at the thought of eating something.
After a good few minutes I got really bored and decided to go on the branches right outside of the hallow. I wasn't planning on branching, I just wanted to look up above the trees and look at the night sky and all the stars.
Mum tried to teach me what each of the constellations were, but each star looked the same to me: beautiful but all alike.
All of the sudden, a screech was heard and I looked to the left to see an owl with a helmet of sorts on. I didn't have time to squeak as it snatched me up in it's talons and took to the sky.
I shivered when the nighttime air hit me and ruffled my feathers. I looked up at the owl that captured me and noticed that this owl had a missing eye that I could see through his helmet.
"Where are you taking me?" I shouted over the wind in the form of a question. "No questions." The owl commanded. "Okay. It must be fun to snatch owlets from there hallows." I said monotone, wanting the owl to respond. He stayed silent and I huffed in annoyance.
It was a silent flight until more owls flew alongside the owl that captured me. All the other owls were all carrying owlets.
I looked around until my eyes landed on two owls that were flying right next to each other. They looked the same besides the fact that they had different colors. One was a little redder then the other. They were carrying two barn owls that almost looked the same, so I came to the decision that they must have been brothers or relatives of some sort.
The two flying owls came to fly closer to the owl that was carrying me as another owl also came. He was white with some red feathers, almost like he was stained these colors. He was carrying a smaller owl.
"Greetings, Grimble, Blyrric." One of the two owls that were holding the two barn owls. I watched as he posed a weird look that not only look scary, but creepy... Like he wanted to look intimidating but was trying too hard.
"Jutt, Jatt, so nice to see you both." The white and red owl said, though he didn't sound like he was happy.
"Did you only get half an owl tonight, Grimble?" The owl that wasn't as red asked. "No, Jatt. Is an elf owl." Grimble, I think, started. "They're very small, but hard workers." Grimble explained further.
"Too old to carry a full-size one?" Jatt asked and him and Jutt started churring. I looked up at Blyrric, the owl that was carrying me, to see that he was hardly listening. "Yeah, hilarious." He mumbled.
"Hey, Blyrric. What kind of owl is that?" Jutt asked while squinting his eyes at me. "The first, and most likely last black barn owl you will ever see." Blyrric explained. I felt my feathers ruffle at the explanation, for it made me sound like a legend of sorts.
"Is there something wrong with your face, Jutt?" Blyrric asked, taking the attention off of me while pointing his beak at Jutt's weird creepy intimidating look.
"Huh? No!" He denied while looking down. "You've upset him now." Jatt said to Jutt. "Is a new look!" "But you gotta work on your comebacks."
I looked at the snatched owls that were being carried by me. "I'm Soren." The barn owl said. "I'm Gylfie." The little owl that Grimble was holding said.
"He said you were an elf owl." Soren started and Gylfie nodded. "From Kuneer. That's in the desert. Are you a Tyto?" She asked and Soren nodded too.
"Yeah, from Tyto Forest. How about you?" He asked, turning his head to look at me too. "I'm Ash, I'm from the Tyto Forest too. Tyto Alba as explained earlier." I said carefully.
"Who are these owls? Do you have any idea where they're taking us?" Gylfie asked before getting interrupted. "Hey! Stop talking."
The owls carrying us then started to go down into a sort of canyon thing before throwing us on a platform.

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