16. Human!Koro-sensei

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Requested by @Undertem0

Spoiler Alert! This does spoil a major part of the anime, so keep that in mind!

The room is filled with a buzz of noise, students and teachers chattering to each other. From my post in the corner, I can see the whole room. My eyes wander past Nagisa, Kayano, Karma, and some others talking animatedly in a circle, past another group of students huddled over something. Karasuma stands at the side of the room opposite to me, the usual serious expression on his face, Irina hovering nearby with a faint blush coloring her cheeks. My eyes slide over all of them without pause until they land on him.

Koro-sensei. The man I have been assigned to kill by the government. I know he used to look different, but now his appearance is that of a man. Apparently, his students, seeking to save the life of their beloved teacher, figured out how to revert him back to his original form, mistakenly believing that with his threat to Earth gone, the government would decide to spare him.

They sent me here to kill the hope in their hearts, to inform them that their mission to assassinate him still stood, and that, either way, the government would finish what had been started.

And yet, here they are, throwing a party, of all things. I don't think I will ever understand these people.

As if he feels the weight of the thoughts behind my searching gaze, the target glances at me and sends a smile my way before going back to mingling among his students. I catch a flash of green as one of them suddenly thrusts a blade his way, only for him to expertly dodge it with almost unbelievable speed, though they say he used to be faster. Even in his current state, the flimsy green weapons provided by the government still work against him, just another reason as to why I doubt the kids were truly able to fully revert Koro-sensei of undo his threat to the world.

Koro-sensei begins to make his way in my direction. As he approaches, I find myself beginning to study his features, noticing his dark eyes and the way his hair frames his face. And his smile is so inviting, I find myself having to tear my eyes away.

"Ms. L/n," Koro-sensei greets me, coming to a stop by my side.

"Koro-sensei," I say back, trying to keep my expression smooth.

"Come on, loosen up a little. This is a party, after all," he says. When I don't reply, he says, "Why don't we go for a walk?"

I shrug and agree, hating the sudden swarm of butterflies in my stomach. It's because this might be my chance to finally assassinate the guy, I try to convince myself. But I've never gotten nervous before.

Some curious faces look our way as we move between groups of people. One student runs up and asks Koro-sensei a question about some test, nonchalantly trying to jab him with a knife while he answers it. I catch the corner of the man's smile and quickly look away, the feeling in my stomach expanding.

I can't help it. In the month since I got here, it's been harder and harder to see Koro-sensei as the target he's supposed to be and easier to see him as a human being.

Pushing aside my thoughts, I realize that he has already started to move ahead, and I walk quickly to catch up. Soon, we are at the exit and Koro-sensei is holding the door open for me. I feel a lurch of shock - we're going outside? - but I walk calmly out the door. The sun is slowly setting, and the air is chilled, sending goosebumps to my skin.

"Are you cold?" Koro-sensei asks, as if he's reading my mind. I shake my head. He moves up close to me, his body dangerously near mine.

Stab him! The thought flashes across my mind, and for a second, my fingers twitch in the direction of my hidden knife, but I make myself stop. He' definitely see it coming, I argue silently. Oro-sensei stands patiently by my side, as if he's waiting for something, and I know he knows what's on my mind. Still, I want to do something, desperately, even if it's sure to fail.

Feeling my resolve harden, I stab him, just to get rid of the itch in my fingers. I try to, anyway. In a flash, he's standing opposite to me, smiling that kind smile. The handle of the knife feels good in my loose grip.

"I must say, I'd expected more of your second attempt, Koro-sensei says, not unkindly. After the elaborate plan for my first assassination attempt failed, I hadn't made any more tries, planning to bide my time until a good opportunity arose. Oh well.

"Damn you," I say, but with no real conviction in my voice. He opens his mouth to reply, but without missing a beat, I lunge forward.Koro-sensei blocks my attacks with a stick he'd somehow found the tie to pick off the ground. My moves are easily repelled, and I find myself thinking about how pathetic my weapon is.

With that thought, Koro-sensei manages to knock the blade out of my hands, grab my waist, and spin us to a stop, like an intricate dance only we know the steps too. I crack a smile. We're standing close, really close, his hands around my waist. We look like a couple, except I have a knife to his throat. I feel a growing satisfaction inside me as I watch him take in the situation and blink in surprise. Slowly, he smiles.

"Well done, Ms. L/N," he says. I narrow my eyes at him and try to bring it closer to his neck. But I can't, my hands refusing to move. I glare at Koro-sensei, frustrated. I should kill him.

Koro-sensei's hand reaches up and closes around my wrist, gently pulling it away from his neck. I grit my teeth in frustration, and my hand comes to life, struggling against his surprising strength. As we fight for dominance, I see a glint suddenly come to his eyes, making me shiver despite myself.

Pushing the knife even farther away from his neck, he leans forward until our faces are almost touching. It occurs to me that if I wanted to kiss him, I could, easily. Feeling my face flush, I quickly push the thought away. He's your target! I quietly chastise myself.

Taking advantage of my momentary weakness, Koro-sensei pushes my wrist even farther from where it should be.

"You bast-," I start to say, before my voice is cut off, suddenly and surely.

He's kissing me. He's kissing me!? My whole body tenses up in shock. His lips are warm and firm on mine, slowly stealing away my resolve, making me go slack as pleasure swarms my senses. I feel his touch everywhere; his hand is on my wrist, and the other roams from my hair to my face to my body. The knife begins to slip slowly out of my hand as my grip slackens and then goes limp.

The dull thud of it hitting the ground briefly registers in my senses before Koro-sensei fingers the hem of my shirt and runs his fingers up the skin of my back, and I forget about everything. Before I know it, my hands grip his hair as I kiss back with a ferocity I didn't know I could have, pushing his body against mine. His hands are everywhere, warm and gentle against my skin, filling me with hot tendrils of desire, his tongue wrestling with mine in my mouth, our sounds in the air, and my eyes open just a fraction to see a spinning blur of green and blue where the earth meets the trees and-

I step back and break the magic, feeling confused and angry with myself, even though part of me knows I had no chance the moment he first touched me and smiled that smile.

"What the hell?" I say, angrily. Koro-sensei looks as surprised as I feel.

"Forgive me," he says finally. "I got out of hand." I stare at him as he runs his fingers through his messy hair. I sigh and put a hand to my forehead.

"You're my target," I say weakly, as if it's an explanation for everything running through my mind.

What do I do? I can't deny the spark in that kiss, the electricity between us, but that same electricity goes against all of my orders, all of it. Yet, for once, I don't feel like doing what I've been sent to do.

Koro-sensei steps forward, close to me, hesitantly reaching out and grabbing both my hands in his. I don't step back or flinch, as much as the voice in my mind tells me to. He looks at me and I look into his, neither of us saying a word until we seem to make an agreement, though I can't be sure of anything.

"Do what feels right for you," he says softly, his eyes and his voice full of gentle understanding.

I nod listen to him, with all my heart, stepping into his embrace and kissing him again.

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