4. Itona Horibe

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Reader's Point of View


"What is this?" I demand, my eyes narrowing suspiciously at the plastic bag.

"It's seven minutes in heaven," Nakamura says mischievously.

"No thank you," I respond immediately, brushing my (hair/color) hair out of my eyes.

"Aw, come on, don't be such a stick in the mud," she replies, casually hanging her arm around my shoulders. I brush it off.

"What's the point?" I ask. "This is stupid."

"Look, everyone already knows you have no life. Liven up a little!"

"You don't have to put it that way..." I mutter.

"It'll be fun," she says.

Itona, who is standing next to me, fixes his unblinking eyes on me. "I think you should do it," he states blandly.

"Hmph." I stare pointedly at the wall behind him. Sensing that I am considering it, Nakamura grins. I've had a crush on Itona for a while now, and she knows it.

"It'll be fun," she whispers into my ear with a sly smile on her face. "And, you just might get lucky."

I push her away. "You're creepy." She just grins and pushes me around to face Itona.

I stare at him and he stares back with an unwavering gaze. His yellow eyes are sharp, as if they can see into my soul. I break eye contact and study his hair. I love his hair. His blue-ish white hair is always a bit messy, especially after our after school training sessions together, sticking up at angles and sometimes falling partially into his face.

"Hmph," I say again, looking away from him "Fine."

"What did you say?" she asks, smiling as she cups a hand behind her ear. "I didn't hear you."

"I said fine," I say loudly, plunging my hand into the bag and grabbing the first slip my fingers touch.

Nakamura snatches the piece of paper from my grip before I can read what it says. She leads me to a small room, opening the door for me. I glare at her as I walk into the room and wait. I don't have to wait long.

The door creaks open slowly. Itona walks in, shutting the door behind him. The room is dark and silent. I can hear myself breathing. I knew it! My mind shouts. I knew it! Nakamura must have rigged this or something. After all, what are the chances? What are the chances that I end up with the one I've always... the one I... What are the chances that I end up with him?

Itona approaches me. His eyes glow predatorily in the darkness. As he comes closer, I can see the rings in his eyes, shifting from yellow to orange. His eyes are so deep, holding the tremendous pain from his past. I always feel so lost looking into their depth, their unwavering gaze, even when we are fighting in my garage. He's pinned me with those eyes since day one, when he first broke through our wall to challenge Koro Sensei. They hold the strength he holds so dear.

It was those eyes that compelled me to challenge him after he lost his tentacles, to see if he still retained the strength even after his greatest weapons had been lost.

I had beaten him, the first fight. He was still recovering from the tentacles, and he seemed a bit lost, fighting with his bare hands. Plus, hand to hand combat was my strong point (and my only strong point in the assassination classroom). And yet, it hadn't been easy. He had fought and scratched fueled by his determination to be strong. So I had offered to train with him. We grew stronger together, and as we grew more experienced, both with fighting and with each other, I found a feeling growing inside me, something that I was both scared and yet... excited to feel.

I blink and return to my surroundings as Itona takes one final step and then stops. He's close to me. We've only ever been this close when we were fighting, but now we're standing still, and I feel helpless.

"So, you got roped into this too, huh?" I say with more confidence than I feel.

Itona shrugs. "I guess I was."

He doesn't seem to be particularly beat up about it, which I take as a good sign. Suddenly, a thought occurs to me.

"Wait. Is this why you told me I should play?" I ask accusingly.

He shrugs again. "I didn't really think that you'd actually end up picking me," he says.

I shoot him a mock glare. "You don't sound too excited."

Itona looks at me carefully. "I'm just not sure," he says finally.

"Not sure...what?" I ask curiously. A single strand of his hair falls into his face, just barely covering part of his eye. I resist the urge to brush it away for him.

"I'm not sure..." He pauses, apparently unsure of how to finish the sentence. "You stare at me sometimes. And you weren't afraid to approach me after I went berserk with the tentacles. Your

eyes are beautiful. I'm not sure what it all means."

He says it all with a neutral expression, the words plain and clear. There is no sign of embarrassment or anxiety on his face.

For once, I don't know how to reply. My mind goes blank, failing me.

"I..." I can't continue. I clear my throat.

"Well, what do you think it means?" I ask, forcing the words out. I hold my breath.

His eyes narrow slightly. He steps even closer.

"I think... it means I like you," he says bluntly. "and that you like me too."

My eyes widen as he says it. He always says exactly what's on his mind, unafraid of hurting others. So if he says he likes me... My lips part, but I don't know what to do. My breathing is shaky, and I have the sudden urge to laugh and cry at the same time.

"So, this is seven minutes in heaven, right?" Itona continues, as if he hadn't said anything too important.

Before his words can dawn on me, he leans forward. Before I know what is happening, his lips lock onto mine with a sudden fierceness. I respond immediately and instinctively. My hands hold his face as his hands run down my back. His nimble fingers reach the hem of my shirt and he slips his hands in my shirt, pressing against my bare back. I shiver slightly at his warm touch as pleasure blooms every time our skin makes contact.

His lips are soft as they rub against mine. His tongue flicks, tentatively, at the entrance to my mouth, which I open eagerly, letting him in. Heated desire sears throughout my body, rivaled as he shows an equal hunger, his hands tightening. My hands drop to his neck and then rise to entwine their fingers in his hair.

We pull closer, breaking the kiss for a second before we are joined once more, our bodies as close to each other as they could possibly be. My eyes are closed, my senses unaware to everything but his touch, his need. All of the experiences we've shared, all the pain, both physical and emotional, that we've given each other, all of it melted into this moment.

His hand drops to my waist as we break apart, both of us breathing hard. I'm slightly dazed, swaying gently on my feet. He clasps his hands behind my back and I lean forward and put my head on his shoulder, my hands wrapped around him. I shut my eyes and savor the moment, with nothing to worry about except the feeling of him holding me.

"I like you... I really like you..." I mumble. He doesn't respond, still holding me. I know that he already knows, but I feel the need to confirm it, to make it real.

The door opens, and light spills into the room. We step back from each other, both of our expressions neutral. Nakamura steps in.

"Times up, lovebirds," she says, smirking. I narrow my eyes at her. She laughs and drags me out of the door. "Sorry I couldn't extend your time too long. It's the next lucky couple's turn, you know."

"Hmm," is all I have to say in reply. As we leave the room, I twist my neck around and catch a glimpse of Itona staring after me.

His eyes are just as intense as always.

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