2. Gakushuu Asano

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Y/N = Your Name

Reader's PoV

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My hand reaches into the bag with trembling fingers. I'm not really much for games like these, but my friends somehow managed to convince me to. The moment I pull my piece of paper out, I know what will happen, and I regret it already. Why had I been so weak, so easily persuaded by my friends? The paper shakes in my hand and want nothing more than to be able to ignore what I will see written, but the sense of foreboding grows and grows, until I cannot take it anymore and I unfold the paper.

And there it is, the name I dread the most, written in perfect handwriting: Gakushuu Asano.

As I hand the paper off to my classmates, I can hear their grumbling. They are just as unhappy about it as I am. He isn't even supposed to be here. This was supposed to be a night just for us in E class, but he came in, demanding to be allowed to stay. If he we didn't let him, he said, he would have made us pay. Normally, we would have kicked him out anyway, but Koro-sensei had arrived and decided that this would be a good chance for us to "bond." As if.

"You know, you don't have to do," someone, Terasaka, I think, says.

Just then, Asano shows up. "What are you talking about? Are you going to back out on this, Y/N?" he asks, his eyes drilling into mine.

I grit my teeth and know I can't, not only because I don't like the superior look on his face. It's not that I like him in that way, but there's some part of me that just won't let me leave this behind. "Shut up, and let's get this over with," I manage to say. We are led to the room that had been put aside for this stupid, stupid game. I look at the floor, ignoring the pitying and worried glances from my classmates.

The room isn't very large. There is a small bed in a corner, and a chair in another, but it is otherwise empty. We remain standing in the center of the room, facing each other, his gaze infuriatingly at ease, and mine wary.

"So, how's life in E class?" he asks. Though his voice is light and casual, his eyes are stone, like two beautiful orbs of amethyst, forever cold and unmoving.

"Fine," I reply, my voice hard. I don't bother to disguise my dislike at being here with him.

"Really," he says, stepping closer. As the distance between us closes, my heart flutters nervously in my chest like a butterfly unable to escape from my rib cage.

"Hmm... such a shame you got transferred, really," he muses, "and to think I thought you had some potential. But oh well, guess you're just like the rest of them."

I think back to my time in A Class. It had been nice to be one of the top kids, to have something to be proud of. But then... something had changed. The atmosphere had gotten darker, more competitive, and the stress had gotten to me. My grades slipped, and so had my behavior. I guess the principal couldn't take the idea of a top-rate student sliding so quickly, and I had been transferred down to the E Class.

My hand curls slowly into a fist. "Shut up," I say quietly, my voice trembling.

"Now, now, don't think you can be rude to me. After all, you are part of this group of losers," --Asano makes a sweeping gesture with his arm-- "I can do whatever I want, and no one will care."

I bite my lip. Part of me agrees with him. My parents can hardly bear to look at me in the face, too disappointed in me to accept the truth about their daughter. But the other part...

"I told you to shut up," I say fiercely. "You don't know what it's been like, what we've gone through because of all the stuff your father teaches to you. You think that just because you're so perfect at the main campus means you can do whatever over here? Well, think again, because if that's how you see us, then the one who's being stupid is you."

Suddenly, I don't care about how I look backing down from this. I'm done with him. I turn around and walk for the door. The others would understand anyway.

"Wait," Asano says.

I stop, still facing away from him. "What do you want?" I ask.

"I..." he does not continue. I sense his hesitating presence behind me, and something makes me turn around and face him. I won't run away this time. His face gives me the courage to stop and really study his face. It's the look on his face. It's struggling with something, struggling to get his words out. I want to tell him to spit it out, but I hold myself back and stay silent. His strawberry blonde hair is neat and perfect, just like it always is. His violet eyes are beautiful and they seem to glow with their intensity. I look away as a sudden pain seizes my chest.

"Listen, Y/N, I'm...sorry..." His voice trails off.

I look away, unsure of what to say.

Asano leans forward, slowly. My breath catches. I am hypnotized, frozen in his amethyst gaze. I know what's coming, but I don't want to stop it anymore. I remember, back in class A, hovering in doorways during lunch, watching him and his little group, in awe of him. He had seemed like a god.

And now, this god is leaning closer to me, his face turning at an angle...

And our lips meet, and it's heaven. I think it's my imagination, but his lips taste like honey. I make a humming sound from the back of my throat as our lips tingle and dance. My eyes are closed, my senses all shut down except for this warm, molten feeling spreading through my body.

"Mmm..." His hand reaches up to my cheek, gently turning my face. The kiss breaks, but gently, and our foreheads touch as we look into each other's eyes, his purple ones looking into my (eye/color) eyes.

And then we kiss again, and it's just as sweet as the first one, and I feel it again. It's the feeling I thought I had left behind after being transferred, the feeling I had tried to block even before it had happened, because I knew I had no chance. It's love, coursing through my veins, making me lightheaded.

When the kiss breaks, his eyes are gentle, completely different from the way I had seen them before. It's a look I never would've thought possible on his face, but it is, and it's for me. Me, of all people.

There's a knock on the door before it opens. Asano offers me a small smile and a wink before his face smooths over and he steps away from me.

"Ok, are you happy now?" Terasaka demands, standing in the open doorway.

"Hmph." Asano saunters past him without a backwards glance at me.

I bite my lip as I watch him go, trying to ignore the confused, writhing feeling in my heart.

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