"Okay fine. You pick them." He says as he finally starts to work on what clothes he's going to bring.

"Make sure they at least match my shirt!" He says.

"I will calm down." I say laughing. He picks out his shirts and I pick shoes matching them.

"Here Austin. Now put them in the suitcase and zip it up." I tell him handing him a shoes. He looks at them and agrees and places them in the suitcase. He zips it up and puts it on the ground near the door on top of mine.

"So were going back to New York." Austin says giving me a wink

"You know what happened there?" He says continuing

"Yeah Amanda was made." I say smiling.

"Maybe we can make a second child."

"We're sharing a room with our daughter." I remind him

"Hey I got us a separate room. Like were still in the same room, there's just a wall and everything. You will see what I mean when we get there." He tells me.

"I don't know Austin I'll think about it" I tell him.

"And were going to need to set our wedding date back" he brings up. I shot my head at him.

"Why?" I ask

"Cause the money we spent for this trip, was for the wedding." He says

"AUSTIN!" I yell.

"I'm sorry! Listen I just really wanted to take this trip."

"We could of went another time." I tell him.

"I know, but I just really wanted to experience it. Besides you even said how about we wait a year or two cause were still young." He reminds me.

"I know, but I didn't want you spending what we saved." I tell him. He comes in front of me and pushes me against the wall and both of his arms on either side of my face blocking me from getting out.

"I'm sorry baby. Forgive me?" He ask me innocently.

"I was never mad at you, but of course." I say bringing our lips together. One of my hands on his shoulder the other on his neck with both of his hands on both my cheeks. We pull away due to the sound of our three year old yelling ew. We turn and look her. Austin wraps an arm around my waist and she just stares at us.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I ask her.

"We go to New York now?" She ask

"No not now, in 2 days." Austin says holding two fingers up.

"Why? Aunt Maria and uncle Alex leave tomorrow." She says.

"They aren't taking the plane, they're driving." I explain to her.

"I need to pack." She says.

"So let's go pack now come on." Austin says bending down and scooping her up. We walk into her room and put her down to see clothes everywhere.

"Amanda why are your clothes everywhere?" I ask

"You asked what I wanted to wear and daddy told me to take my clothes I want to bring."

"That doesn't mean your whole closet." Austin says.

"Sowwy" she says

"It'd okay. Let's just bring stuff you actually need." I tell her. So that's what we did. For the next hour we cleaned her room up and argued with her over what clothes she wanted to bring. That and what toys to put in her suitcase.

From An Orphanage To Meeting Him (An Austin Mahone & Crew Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now