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Original Idea By: Maha



Rose Flame's P.O.V

A Year Before

"I love you." I squeaked quietly.

His other friends stared down at me in awe, I could tell they were trying hard not to break.

Jake glanced at me, a smirk plastered on his face. "You? Love me? I never knew." He started to walk away, as I was left on the school courtyard, silently crying. I thought he was already gone by now, but I hadn't realized he had stopped his tracks and looked back at me.

"If you ever thought I would love you back, you're the dumbest piece of shit out there! Rose I never even liked you! You were always so fucking stuck-up, and so loud and you acted like you owned the world but you fucking don't!" I flinched when he yelled. My heart began to hurt as he said each word.

"We're two, totally different people Rose. I can't believe you actually thought that, I, Jake Swan, the most popular guy of this school, would actually like a geek like you! You're a waste of time, you know that?!" I didn't do anything to help myself from being humiliated like this. I wanted to die, I wanted to vanish and get away from this world. I wanted to be anyone else but me now. But, I couldn't change anything now. "You're absolutely nothing in this world. It'd be better if you'd just go and get lost! Can't you see that no guy will ever fall in love with you? How hard is it to sh "

"Hey douchebag!" A high-pitched voice screamed. I looked over my shoulder to see a girl my age, screaming her guts out at Jake. I was too hurt to look up to see her, but I soon found out the girl was Sarah, one of my good friends. "You son of a bitch! Get off of her!"

"Or what? I dare you to make me." Jake fought back.

Sarah snarled at him, "If Ryan was here, I swear you'd be dead right now! But since he's not, let me tell you this." She started, helping me up. I stood by her, not daring to look up at Jake. Sarah held my hand protectively, "First up. You don't have to go all fucking jock-mode on her just because she confessed something. Alright? Second. You should be lucky she loves you, because she's the only girl that would ever truly love you! Do you see how other girls look at you?! You're a total ass wipe! In fact, the only pieces of shit here are you and you're asshole 'friends'! So, you know? We'll just be going! And I'll leave you to burn in hell!" And just at that, she yanked my wrist, leading me to the exit of the school.

"Great! JUST GO! And guess what? Today's grad for us, I hope I never even fucking see you again!" Once we were pulled outside, I broke down crying... Crying my first heartbreak, and hopefully my last.

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