She made her way over to us and smiled at Tae, not knowing what to say.

"Hi, you're... Jenny, right?" She nodded and seemed to calm down a little. Maybe talking to him would help her to stop feeling so awkward and... shook?

"Tae is inviting us to the other dance room? You wanna come?" I offered, and she silently nodded. We went to quickly grab our bags and followed Tae outside. Jenny looked over at me and whispered in my ear.

" 'Tae', hmm?" She raised her eyebrows up and down. I shook my head at her and continued walking.

Taehyung POV:

I led Y/N and her friend to the dance room where the guys were. I couldn't wait to introduce them to each other. It might seem weird to some people because I've only just met Y/N, but I knew she was special. I felt like she would accept me for my weird self, unlike others would. I also had a feeling she had a weird side as well, I just had to get it out of her.

We arrived at the room and I opened the door to reveal the 6 other members. Jungkook was lay on a mat on his phone, Jimin and J-Hope were having a dance battle, Rap Mon was sat talking to Suga, who was doing his famous form of stretching - lying comfortably on the ground, and Jin was stood at the mirror fixing his hair.

Suddenly, before I could introduce Y/N and Jenny, Jin turned around and shouted out "I am worldwide handsome!" I could heard the two girls giggling behind me and everyone stopped to look at Jin, then at me. I stepped aside and lightly pushed the girls forward. They seemed startled when I did this, as if they weren't expecting it.

"Hey guys, this is Y/N and this is Jenny." I said, pointing at both of them as I introduced them.

Suga slowly sat up and looked at the girls with no expression. It got pretty awkward until Jimin walked towards us, saying hello and bowing as the girls did the same.

"I invited them here so they could practise with us." I announced, and everyone agreed to practise along. Except Suga.

"I've done enough dancing for today. She can take my place. Y/N, is it?" She nodded and thanked him, making her way to the middle where the others had already gathered.


"Do you know any of our dances already?" Jimin asked. I nodded and said 'Fire'. He walked over to the stereo and began fiddling around with some of the buttons.

After a few seconds Jenny joined me. Apparently Rap Mon had given up his place for her as well. Jenny also knew the Fire choreography so that wasn't a problem.

Suddenly Jungkook started a conversation while we wait for Jimin to sort out the music.

"So, how old are you guys?" He said. The conversation proceeded as Jin left to go help Jimin who was obviously struggling. It turned out someone had broken it, and the guys all turned to look at Rap Mon, who protested that it wasn't him while me and Jenny chuckled.

Eventually they got it working and we started. When it got towards the end me and Jenny backed up and let the others carry on. Suga approached us.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked.
"We can't do this bit of the dance, so we always stop here." I explained, and he smiled. I was surprised. The emotionless look he gave us when we walked in made me think he didn't really like us. But his smile was so cute.
"I understand, it took me ages to learn this part. But I bet J-Hope or Jimin could teach you it, if you ask" I smiled and nodded, but I had no intention of asking. I was way too shy.

The song finished and J-Hope looked back at us. Before he could ask why we stopped, Jenny explained. He nodded and took a drink of his water.

Wow. Who knew someone could look so... amazing just drinking water. I look around at the other members. Yeah, I'd describe them as cute or handsome but J-Hope... he was something else. He just had a sort of elegance about him and I admired it. But he was way out of my league.
I quickly became aware that I was staring at him and I looked away. V caught my eye and smirked before looking away. What was that for? 

Taehyung POV:

I looked over at Y/N, who was staring at J-Hope. I was delighted. J-Hope was the one I wanted to introduce Y/N to, and it seemed like Y/N liked him. Maybe he liked her? Probably not, they had barely even talked. But he would eventually. Hopefully.

Y/N looked away and I caught her eye, smirking and then looking down at my phone. I couldn't wait to talk to J-Hope after she'd left.

J-Hope POV:

That girl Y/N was staring at me. I pretended not to notice but I obviously did.

Y/N was an extremely pretty girl, and very talented. Her smile before, when she laughed because we all blamed Rap Mon for breaking the stereo... it was nothing short of beautiful. There were no words to describe it.

It wasn't long before I realised I was staring at her as well, and I looked away. Then so did she. Did she notice I was looking at her? I hoped not. Looking around, it seemed like no one else had noticed, but V was smirking at Y/N. Maybe he had noticed she was looking at me?

When Jenny and Y/N left, Suga came up to me when I was talking to Jimin.

"Hey guys, why don't you teach those two the last part of Fire? They don't know it so if you taught them it, they'd be able to finish the dance." He suggested. I was about to say something before V came over.

"Yeah that's a pretty good idea, Jimin you teach Jenny, and J-Hope... you teach Y/N, yeah?" He said innocently. But whenever V said something in an innocent voice, something was going on. The others didn't seem to notice but I was suspicious. When Jimin and Suga walked away, V started talking again.

"Y/N was staring at you, ya know?" He smirked at me. I nodded and took a swig of my water.

"So you're not really interested? Because you seemed pretty interested when your eyes were glued to her face." I slightly choked on my water and split a little when he said that. He laughed and followed the others as they exited the room. So someone had noticed.

Interested in Y/N? We'd only just met, and we'd barely talked. But she was really beautiful, and she seemed to be pretty nice when she was talking to her friend and in the conversation we all had before... no! What was I thinking? She's a trainee, she needs to focus on her work.

I knew that was the right thing to think. So why did I feel so bad?

A/N: Finally the others make an appearance! I hope you enjoyed. I might post the next chapter tomorrow but if I don't, then the next one might not be uploaded until Monday. Thanks for reading.


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