Chapter one

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A/N: Hey guys just a heads up this story is posted on another site so if you see it with a similar screen name its mine but if you see it anywhere else let me know. Let me know what you think

She was supposed to be his and he was supposed to be hers or at least that's how all the movies played out you know the ones were the lead character finally realizes that he is in love with the best friend than they ride off into the sunset but for Rose that isn't how it happened at all instead she was sitting in the front row watching the man she was in love with marry another woman. As she stared at the two saying there vowels she couldn't help but think this is wrong. Rose wanted to stand up and profess her love to him but instead she sat there frozen with her mouth shut looking down at her lap as she rubbed her hands on the top of her legs.

"I do" she heard Colby say

that brought her back to reality she put a fake smile on as she stared at the pink hair beauty saying her vowels it wasn't that Rose disliked Sasha she actually loved her like a sister. The truth was that only three people knew about her feelings or so she thought. "I do" Sasha said looking into Colby's eyes.

Rose jilted her head towards the pastor as he spoke "If there is anyone who objects to this union speak now or forever hold your peace" Colby and Sasha looked out on the guest no one said anything or objected they turned back to each other and smiled looking into each other's eyes with nothing but love and happiness

"Then by the power invested in me in the state of Florida I now pronounce you husband and wife you my kiss the bride" the pastor said. As they shared there first kiss as husband and wife everyone clapped and cheered

"Ladies and Gentleman I give to you Mr. and Mrs. Colby Lopez" He said to the guest.

Rose couldn't help but look down feeling more broken than ever knowing that she never had the balls to tell that man she loved him but it was too late now he was married and there was no chance of them ever being more. As she stood there watching on she felt two hands land on her shoulders she already knew who they belonged too without turning around

"Rose, Were sorry" She heard her best friend say.

Rose turned to look at Renee and Dean giving her sympathy looks "Don't be Re it's my fault I should of spoke up and told Colby how I felt about him and I didn't so it's over and I need to move on" Rose said to them

"I'm going to start by asking if they will move me to smack down" Dean and Renee didn't respond they just nodded their heads knowing how hurt she was and followed her to the reception area.

Dean grabbed Rose and hugged her "I give you props for even coming" he said as he kissed her cheek she gave him a light smile "I'll be back" she said and walked off.

Rose was at the buffet making herself a plate of food when she felt someone come up behind her and put their hands over her eyes

"Guess who?" she heard that voice that made her knees buckle

"Randy Orton" she answered with a laugh

"Ha-ha funny Flower" Colby said to her as she rolled her eyes he was the only person who got away with that nick name

"So how does it feel to be a married man?" she asked trying to not show how she felt

"Well I can honestly say I never thought Snoop Dog would be in my wedding" he said with a laugh

"Me either" she said dryly Colby stared at her for a moment but shook it off

"Thanks for coming it wouldn't of been the same without you" he said to her Rose forced a smile "Of course Colbs" she said as he hugged her.

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