|Teen!Monster!Tom x Teen!Tamara| I dont want to hurt you...|

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Tamara was walking through the dark alley ways of the city, She just got out of school and had the same dark bruise on her face from earlier. A boy had Approached her and teased how she would never be special because of her eyes, The fucking bastard.

Tamara stared down at the rugged and torn up road, Gravel skidding under her shoes, She stopped and moved to the side and sat on the ground and set her head in her hands. She recalled the events of that day and felt the sting of tears behind her eyes.

Tamara tried so hard not to cry, But the tears, It hurt her to hold them back. Tamara sobbed softly in her arms, The tears rolled down her face leaving small streams on her face. Tamara looked up a lite bit when she heard a rustle coming from the dark end of the alley way. She tilted her head a bit in confusion and Curiosity, She jumped just a little bit when she saw a figure scramble backwards into the shadows.

Tamara backed up and yelped softly when she cut her hand on a piece of broken glass from a beer bottle. She looked up and froze in fear while holding her now bleeding hand, In front of her stood a teen guy, He had spikey brown tuffs of hair, Dark purple horns sticking out in-between the tuffs. He had void-Like eyes, Exactly like Tamara's, his hands were far from hands, They were claws so we're his legs. His dark blue hoodie was torn up just a little bit and so where his jeans.

He had two small same colored ears that flicked a bit when Tamara whimpered. He took a step towards Tamara and shut his eyes expecting Tamara to scream, He was shocked when he didn't hear a scream and just shakey breathing. He stepped towards her again and knelt down and reached out to take her hand, She flinched and moved her hand away from him.

He growled softly and narrowed his eyes and Took her hand with his claw, His claws fur was soft and Tamara tried not to shake from fear. He looked at the cut and shook his head, This is when Tamara noticed he had a tail, A fucking tail! Tamara had to be dreaming this shit, His tail wrapped around her hand, Tamara glanced up at him and a slight tint of pink formed on her face. His tail was fairly long and it was soft but had a tight grip on her hand.

He stared at her eyes and leaned into her face, Tamara turned a dark pink and backed a bit away from him. Tamara could feel his breath on her face and how his eyes stared into hers like he was judging if she was real or not, He put his claw up to her bruise and his eyes softened and he looked back from the bruise to her. He gently placed his claw on the mark and traced his claw down the bruise to her cheek and rested his claw there, Tilting her head up to look up at him.

His tail pulled her a bit closer to him, Tom still held her gaze and smiled at Tamara Trying to not show his fangs. He slowly pulled her into an Embrace, Tamara's eyes slowly widened and she looked up at him. Tom held the girl close, She was the first person who has seen him like this and didn't run away screaming ' Monster!', But then again he didn't want her to leave him alone as he felt he'll never see her again.

Tamara squeaked when his tail slipped off her hand and he held it with his claw, She looked up at him and whimpered softly. Tom licked the cut on her hand and She quickly took it away " What did you d-do that for?!" Tamara asked and rubbed her cut hand, it wasn't bleeding anymore and Tom just glared at her. Tamara sighed " Your not gonna talk?" She asked, Picking up the beer bottle and tossing it far away from her. Tom grabbed her hand with his claw and helped her stand up, Tom lightly touched her hair and Tamara froze from getting her bag and she looked at him " Uhhhh, What do you think your doing?" She asked in a small shakey breath.

Tom took her hair out of the ponytail it was in and ran his claw through her hair and a bit down her back. Tamara squeaked softly and lightly picked up his claw with both of her hands and she just held it. Tom looked from his claw, to her hands, Then to her. He took a small step closer to her and a hobo yelled " LITTLE GIRL GET YOURSELF AWAY FROM THE MONSTER!" He shouted and Shot a bullet at Tom's feet, Tamara jumped a bit and stood in front of Tom " Go AWAY!" She shouted and held her Arms out, Tom stared in disbelief that this small teenager he's never seen before was defending a monster like him.

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