|Super!Edd & Ell| My Best friend.|

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A Request by MaddieIsCute

Ell Sat in her room and sighed softly, Her mind was racing around about what to do today after work. She sighed and got up and went out the door and waved at Tom before she shut the door and left. She walked down the street when she heard sirens going off. Ell walked just a little bit faster and went into the bar, She slipped on her Apron and after about an hour or so she saw a Familiar person stumble in. Ell giggled and walked out from behind the bar and held Edd stand up, He looked scared and held onto her.

Ell looked up at Him and he had a serious look plastered on his face. " Ellie? Can I Tell you something?" He mumbled and held her gently as to not freak her out " What is it?" She piped up and stared up at him. He brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and sighed " I May be at the house late Ellie, Please don't get worried." He nuzzled the top of her head and Shut his eyes and held her in a hug. Ell whimpered softly and hugged him back " W-Where are you going Edd?" She asked softly and glanced up at Edd. He sighed " Don't worry Ellie, Just stay out of the city. Okay?" He asked softly and stared into Ell's soft green eyes.

Ell slowly nods and hugs him tightly, Some people in the bar were whispering and watching the two. Edd pulled away and kissed the top of her of her head and left the bar. Ell whimpered softly and went back behind the bar and thought. All day she wondered what he had said and sighed softly. Soon when her shift ended Ell took off her Apron and put in her ear buds, She blasted her music and started to walk.

Ell kept walking through the city, The same place Edd said to stay away from, Ell had to take this way to pick up Susan for Tom because he couldn't because of his job. Ell jumped when she saw a Cop car zoom past the sidewalk and ended up taking the braid out of her hair. She whimpered and just brushed her hair a little bit and kept walking. Ell noticed a large shadow was being casted over her and she turned around and froze in fear. Ell felt her heartbeat quicken and her eyes widened as the bricks of the office building slowed down, Her mind made her entire life flash before her eyes as she slowly turned and began to try and run on the sand colored bricks on the ground. The shadow got bigger and Ell screamed and covered her head and shut her eyes as she ran, She tripped over a large piece of brick and fell to the ground.

She turned around and looked at the brick and covered her head and shut her eyes and listened around her. Ell opened her eyes when she felt the warm bricks beneath turned into arms and she felt the wind brushing agasint her face. She looked up and felt her entire face heat up, It was a guy with a green mask on his face and warm brown eyes. He looked down at her and his face turned a dark red and he flew down to the ground near the park and he stared at her. Ell's hair fell into her eyes and she quickly put it behind her ear.

" H-Hi..." Ell said in a soft shy voice Edd had never heard before. " Y-You should watch where your walking next time." Edd nods and stared at Ell, He half expected her to hug him but because of how he looked she didn't recognize him. Ell backed up a little bit " Y-Your a superhero?.." she looks at his outfit and this is when Edd realized how strange Ell was acting and how pink her face was. " Yes I am." Edd said softly and walked towards her.

" W-Well I-I should go..." Ell squeaked and turned to walk away as Edd heard another explosion go off. He reached out to Ell but she had ran off. Edd slowly retracted his hand and flew up into the sky, He wanted to find His lil cupcake but that had to wait. Edd flew down and picked up a car and chucked it at Edwardo.

// Later //

Ell was laying in her room trying to not worry about where Edd was but she kept thinking about that super hero the news called ' Power Edd.' Ell wondered why he saved her but just assumed it was because he had to save everyone. Ell squeaked when she heard a tap on her window and looked over to see the infamous ' Power Edd.' he smiled and pointed at the lock. Ell hesitantly got up and unlocked the window and slid it opened and he warm light from her room poured out into the dark cold looking night. Power Edd smiled at Ell and climbed into her Room and bumped his head on her Shelf. Ell looked up at him " W-Why are you here?" She asked softly and backed up a little bit and Edd out his hands up " I just wanted to see you again." He nodded and Ell narrowed her eyes " How do you know where I live?" She asked and raised one of her eyebrows. Edd quickly came up with an excuse " I-I Um... Had a hunch?" He nods and let out a nervous chuckle. Ell slowly nods " O-Okay." She slipped around him and sat on her bed, She looked at his outfit and smiled little bit and played with his cape. Edd chuckled and took the cape off and put it around Ell, She looked up at him, Her face gathering light clouds of pink.

Edd chuckled softly and sat next to her and Pat her head, Ell giggled and didn't flinch when He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Ell smiled softly " I'm Ell..." She said softly and shut her eyes as she relaxed, Edd bit his lip and got up and headed for the window " Well Ell, I hope we meet again someday." He nods and jumps out the window and flew off.

Ell squeaked softly as she still had his cape and she looked at it and smiled softly and nuzzled her face into it. Ell squeaked when her room door cracked open and Edd stuck his head in, he had changed into his normal clothes by just throwing them over his Power Edd outfit. " Hey Ellie." He said softly and Ell ran over and hugged him tightly and sent stumbling back a bit and he laughed. His mask was in his room on the bed and he noticed Ell still had the cape on and his face heated up. He lightly put his hand through her soft brown hair.

Edd smiled softly and kissed the top of Ell's head and she pulled away and looked up at him " Edd! You won't believe what happened today!" She chimed, Edd chuckled softly and sat on her bed and she sat right next to him and began to talk about the incident from earlier. " H-He was just here!" She nods and points at the window, Her eyes sparkling like a child's. Edd smiled softly and noticed the difference between this Ell, The one he had grown to love, and the shy Ell he met as a superhero.

Edd smiled softly " Hey Ellie?... Can I tell you something?" He asked softly and brought her into a soft embrace and Ell giggled and nods " Anything Edd!" She chimed. Edd smiled softly " I love you Ellie." He whispered and she froze up and looked up at him " R-Really Edd?" She asked softly and Edd smirked a little at how her voice was now shy, " Yes Ell, I've loved you for as long as I can remember." He chuckled and put there foreheads together, Ell stared up at him and he smiled softly and closed the small gap Between them.

1,359 Words.

Eddsworld Oneshots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن