'Well you know how you were saying that he was a nice roommate...' I said trying to stall for time a little bit.

'Yeah... and...' Jace said looking at me in what seemed to be a slightly annoyed but concerned way.

When he saw my face however, his voice and expression softened.

'Alec, whatever it is it's fine. Okay? I'm not going to judge. And you'll probably feel better once you say it.'

'Okay... erm, well he's er... a bit more than a roommate now actually...' I said.

Somehow he still hadn't got what I was trying to say and he looked more confused than ever.

Exasperated, I sighed before speaking again.

'You know... like as in we're going out... on my Jace. Okay I'll spell it out for you... I- I'm gay...' I said, trailing off a bit at the end.

When I finally turned back around to face him again I really didn't know what to expect.

So saying that I was shocked when he smiled at me and said 'I know Alec' was a massive understatement.

'Wh- what?! Wait... what do you mean, you know?' I spluttered.

'Well, I mean, I already knew. For quite a while actually. Not about Magnus though, obviously' he said.

'Oh... right okay...' I said looking carefully at his expression. I was relieved that he looked okay about it and a bit happy that I had decided to tell him.

'I just didn't know when you were going to tell me.' He said. Then looked at me accusingly. 'Does Izzy know?' He asked.

'Err... yeah...' I said looking a bit sheepish.

'How did I know...' Even though he was was trying his best to look hurt but I could see he was trying not to grin.

'So... your okay with it?' I asked. Although he looked cool about it, I was still unsure and slightly nervous of what he would say.

'Yeah Alec, I'm totally fine with it. But I must say that I'm a bit hurt that you told Izzy first. And that you didn't introduce me to him properly.' he said, laughing and then it was my time to grin at him.

'Yeah... about that. I sincerely apologise' I said laughing.

'I accept your apology' he said, grinning at me. 'Right, I think we're nearly there now'

Two minuets later we arrived at the shopping centre where we I was supposed to meet Izzy.

I got out of the car in a really great mood, still smiling and laughing with Jace.

I was just glad that the conversation in the car had gone so well. Especially considering how badly it could have ended.

When we eventually found Izzy, she smiled at us briefly before looking serious again.

'Hey guys' she said to us as we walked towards her.

'Hey Iz' I said smiling. 'So... what's up?'

'Erm... actually Alec, I just wanted to talk to you about... err, something' she said, giving me a look.

Then she glanced over at Jace 'erm... Jace... don't you have a date with Clary?'.

'Well yeah, but I don't have to go straight away. I can stay for a bit' he said, clearly not getting the hint that Izzy was dropping.

'It's fine, Iz... so... what is it?' I asked again.

She looked at me and back at Jace. Then rolled her eyes. 'Alec... err... well I'm not sure if...' she said giving me a look.

Finally I got what she was trying to say and grinned.

'Oh right... it's about... that.' I said.

She nodded and looked at Jace again 'yeah, so...'

'Oh right erm, it's fine actually. He knows.'

She looked at me surprised for a moment 'what when did you tell him?'

'About fifteen minuets ago, actually.' I said grinning.

Jace, who looked utterly confused, finally spoke up.

'Can someone please tell me what is going on'.

'Right, yeah... sorry' I said 'it's about what I told you in the car... you know... about Magnus and me and...'. He finally seemed to get it.

'Oh right, okay.'

I turned to Izzy again. 'So, will you now finally tell me what this is all about?' I asked again a bit exasperated.

'Yep, and now that Jace knows, this is going to be that much simpler'.


Chapter twenty's done. Hope your liking the story so far. Please vote if you are. Also don't forget to comment, it will really help. Thanks. 😁

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