That caused her to finally look up at him again in surprise, "what is it?"

"Jen," he suddenly called out into his microphone.

"What?" Jennie snapped, obviously frustrated about their current situation, "I'm a little busy trying to clean up this mess, so if you two could just remain quiet, that would be very much appreciated."

Chaeyoung chuckled but Taehyung continued, "can you turn off the mic and camera for a bit? There's something we need to discuss. Privately."

Jennie scoffed, "well, that's shady. But, fine, I'll cut you off until we need to contact you again. Enjoy your 'alone time'.

They both heard a little beep and the camera flashed twice, allowing them to speak freely.

He took both her hands in his and Chaeyoung waited patiently (and a little nervously) for him to speak.

"I was planning on talking to you about this after the mission, but now that we're stuck in here, I guess I might as well make use of this time," Taehyung said, making Chaeyoung uneasy with his seriousness.

"Tae, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" she gripped his hands, her brows furrowing with concern.

"Do you remember when we went shopping and I had to suddenly run to my car?" Taehyung asked, and Chaeyoung could only nod in response, her stomach twisting with apprehension, "it was a new email from my parents. They told me where they're living now."

Chaeyoung raised a brow, "that's a good thing... isn't it?

Taehyung gulped, his jaw tensing and then untensing, "it's in America, Chaeyoung. They want me to go live with them."

Chaeyoung blinked at him dumbfoundedly for a couple seconds, her mind going blank.

"Oh," was the only thing that managed to leave her lips.

A hundred emotions and thoughts whirled through her like a raging tornado that was steadily heading towards her heart, ready to crush it relentlessly.

Releasing one of her cold hands, he tilted her chin to meet his gaze again, his eyes searching her face for the thoughts her words failed to express.

Looking at him – her best-friend, her other half, the person she shared everything with – and trying to picture her life without him was inconceivable. Unimaginable. Absurd, even. Instantly, her eyes began to burn, foreshadowing the endless tears that would soon ensue.

"I know this is selfish of me, Tae," she blinked back tears and then whispered, "but, I don't want you to go."

He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, like he was severely conflicted.

Chaeyoung laced her fingers through his, forcing him to open his eyes, before saying, "I don't want you to go. But, I will respect and stand by any decision you make."

"Chaeng, I-" he began but Chaeyoung cut him off.

"I know this is a huge decision for you, probably the most important one you'll ever make-"

"Chaeyoung," he tried to say but got cut off again.

"And why should you stay when you've waited all-"

He suddenly placed his hands on either side of her face and lifted it up to meet his intense gaze, immediately shutting her up, "I said no."

She furrowed her brows in confusion, beginning to feel a little guilty, "why would you do that? You've been away from them for so long. This is your chance to finally have your life back."

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