"Thanks. I'm happy she said yes." You say.

"Of course I would. I didn't want you to be humiliated in front of all those people." Angela says, causing the whole table to laugh. "No. I was ecstatic when you proposed. I couldn't say no. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

You two quickly kiss and your mom and dad smile. There kid was all grown up and now had a fiancé. They were so proud.

"But for the most part nothing too extraordinary. Mainly just work I suppose. As long as people need saving, we'll be there for them." Angela says.

"What are your plans after you get married?" Your mom asks.

"Don't know." You admit. "Probably something similar to what we're doing right now I guess. Maybe get a bigger house. Start a family. You know, the usual things people do when getting married.

"We'll figure out our plans sooner or later I suppose." Angela says.

"Not eager to rush things. That's good." Your dad says.

"Indeed. You're both very smart." Your mom says.

"Danke. Thanks for allowing me to marry your son." Angela says.

"You're welcome. I'm glad our son was able to find love." Your mom says. "You're an amazing woman, Angela, and we're happy you get to be our daughter-in-law."

Angela smiles. "Thank you. You don't know how happy I am to hear those words. As you know, I've been an orphan since 14, and it's so nice to have people who are willing to accept me into their family."

"We're more than happy to accept you into our family." Your dad says.

The four of you have a lovely dinner. The food was great and you enjoyed conversing with your parents again. Eventually, you and Angela had to leave. You both bid farewell and got into your car. You no longer drive the classic Mustang since your dad wanted it back, and you and Angela were okay with that. So you bought a nice black Audi S4. It was definitely a change of pace for you two, but it was a nice change. Pretty luxurious, too.

During the ride home, you notice Angela looks a bit depressed. This wasn't normal for her. She was usually happy and upbeat after a visit to your parent's house.

"What's wrong, love?" You ask.

She looks up. "Oh. Uhh, nothing."

"Are you sure? You're acting different than normal."

She sighs. "I don't know. Maybe it's just... I miss my parents."

You look at her and nod. You couldn't imagine what Angela had gone through, losing both parents at 14 due to war. She'd been through so much, but stayed positive for the most part of her life. That was one more thing you admired about her. She was strong. Not necessarily physically (although she was in shape. You knew that the best), but she had gone through so much and loved you of all people.

"I mean, they were wonderful parents. They loved and supported me. I wish they could just see what I've accomplished in life and meet you. Had it not been for the war..."

You pull into the garage and hug Angela who sobs into your shoulder. You pat her back and kiss her cheek.

"I wish I could have met them too. I'm sorry for what you had to go through."

Mercy x Reader: Your Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now