Chapter 43 after report

Start from the beginning

Frost:yeah..we are all doing fine and the special Lanka models coming along fine what's up? (Destroyed those special guns you bastards)

Intercom:our Jupiter fortress has been attacked by the way.


Intercom:yeah it apparently exploded taking down two warframes and that sectors admiral.

Frost:well..I gotta go back to work see you.

Intercom:yeah okay just checking on your group.



I hang up

Frost:.....two frames took down a whole fortress? That sounds should take at least 4..good on them.

Meanwhile with misery

Misery:hehe HAHAHAHHA!

one of my infested chargers walks up to me I start to pet it

Misery:it maybe have freed his soul but This he left behind will soon rot and me and leten will rule over this land!

Meanwhile with cephalon on the cephalon base ship

Cephalon suda:oh my.

Limbo:hmm? Master suda what is it?

Cephalon suda:the ash "harbringus" and the nova "ventnal" have been killed in a explosion on Jupiter.

Limbo:....I wish I could have kept the data bug on him...but the infestation broke it off

Cephalon suda:oh please..we have has memory's from before that event we have all kinds of data now he's useless!

Meanwhile the primes close up on jupiter and see the fortress

Hydroid prime:what happened here?

Rhino prime:who cares we have to finish off survivors.

Rhino readys his tonokor

Banshee prime:wait...

Rhino prime:?

Banshee prime:this somehow isn't right...

I run in

Hydroid prime:.banshee wait!

They follow me into the debris

Banshee prime:hydroid cool off this area, rhino block the entrance

Rhino and hydroid prime:right!

Rhino covers the entrance with debris while hydroid waters down the interior

Banshee prime:this is odd....very odd...

Hydroid prime:lot of corpus corpses here. What's the matter why did we come in here?

Banshee prime:something'

We walk to the upstairs room where we see a nova leg crushed under debris

Rhino prime:is that?!

Rhino flips over the debris

Rhino prime:oh..

Hydroid prime:who is that?

Rhino prime:I called her V she was an ayatan treasure hunter...I wonder how she ended up here. Give me a minute...

Me and hydroid look around the upstairs and notice a flickering module

Hydroid prime:what's this?

I press the button a few times

Banshee prime:it doesn't work.

Hydroid punches it and it cuts on

Hydroid prime:you just need to try a bit harder.

It's a blueprint of the building and next to it is another blueprint of a very similar building

Banshee prime:why is the one on the right way bigger?

Hydroid prime:it looks like we are in the one on the left.

Banshee prime:why make to bases look almost exactly the same on the outside but make the interior way bigger?

Hydroid prime: odd..

Rhino prime:GAAH!

Hydroid prime:?!

Me and hydroid run to rhino and he's back on the first floor and we see a slightly deformed warframe near the bottom floor through a crack

Rhino prime:that looks like another warframe!

He tears through the debris and gets closer we follow until he punches through some debris and we all fall into the room

Hydroid rhino and banshee prime:GAHG

We look around and see a crushed corpus

Hydroid prime:poor bastard.

I walk up some debris towards the ash

Banshee prime:oh shit..

Rhino prime:what is it?

Hydroid and rhino come from behind me and see him too

Rhino prime:is that ash?


Hydroid prime:?!


Banshee prime:oh my god...

Rhino prime:finally kicked the bucket huh?

Rhino walks up to him

Rhino prime:you were a good will be missed..

Hydroid prime:who's that?

Banshee's the ash who kept asking for our help remember? Poor frame.....never even accomplished his dream....

Rhino prime:let's get out of what we came to do.

We walk towards the front door and we hear motion

Rhino prime:must be the civis.

We sneak towards the back and rhino punches through a back wall

Rhino prime:bye ash and v..

He shoots five modified tonokor grenades and blows up the building almost to nothing in the commotion we hop in our ships and escape

Banshee prime:this is banshee do you copy Nyx?

Nyx prime:yes what is it? Did you destroy the base?

Banshee prime:yeah but we went to investigate a little and we found the charred corpse of ash.

Nyx prime:oh...your serious he's gone? ........oh my.....that's a shame...

Banshee prime:we will head back to base.

Hydroid prime:poor it honestly that bad he's gone?

Banshee prime:what do you mean?

Hydroid prime:he is the cause of the "shells" taking over earth right? He's caused many problems being a single person he even let stalker back out in space!

Rhino prime:.....

Banshee prime:.......

Hydroid prime:just on the logical side that's all I'm saying..

Warframe:lost cause(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now