"Can I go smash his face with my fist?" Lafayette asked.

"No. No smashing faces with fists. If anyone gets to do that, it's me." Alex says, flopping onto the bed in the middle. I wonder what happened to make them hate each other so much. Alex's eyes were radiating hate when I saw them arguing.

"So, to get off the subject of punching people, what do we do next?" I say, and I walk over to the bed where Alex sits. "I unpacked in like a minute and a half and from what I can see you guys are too?" The cabin is perfectly clean, with even less dust than mine.

"We're meeting Herc down on the rec. field in like, half an hour. Since Laf and I don't know much about you, why don't you introduce yourself?" Alex said.

"Don't know much about him? I don't even know his name!" Lafayette said, slumping onto one of the beds yet again.

"Uh," I said nervously. "I'm John Laurens, I am 20 years old, I'm going to be a Junior in college next year, and turtles are my favourite animals."

"Je vois pourquoi vous l'aimez. Il aime les tortues." Lafayette says to Alex. He goes red in the face and mutters an insult to him in french. Now I wish I paid attention in french class.


"Anyway, you guys have been here before, I'm guessing?"

"Yep. Lafayette's worked here the last two years along with Hercules, and this is my second year. I worked at the Aquatics camp over at the lake. Angie and Jeffershit both started four years ago, Eliza's second year, and this is Peggy's first year." Alexander explained. "Sorry, that was kinda an information dump." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"No, I think I got it. In order from oldest to newest it's: Angie, Thomas, Lafayette, Hercules, You, Eliza, and then Peggy and me, right?"

Alex is just about to respond when a giANT BEAR BURST THROUGH THE DOOR!!!

Just kidding.

Some random guy wearing a camp staff shirt walks in through the door. Without saying a word, he climbs up to the bunk above where me and Alex are sitting, causing the whole bed to wobble. I look to Alex. He must know him.

"Oh, it's been too long since I've been here. I wish I could live here all year. Wait, I'm an adult, I could just move here." He laughs to himself.

"Move into this cabin?" I ask him. He mutters a 'what?' before swinging his head down, surprised that I'm here.

"Oh, who are you?" He looks confused and slightly concerned. Oh, right. He's never seen me before.

"I'm John. It's my first year. Are you by any chance Hercules?" I stand up so I can see his face without having to crane my neck around like an owl.

"Yep, that's me. But now the question is," He hops down from the bunk. "why are you in our cabin?"

"Actually," Alex speaks up. "This is my cabin. You two just barged in here without me saying you could. I have the right to kick you out any time if I wanted to." He folded his arms and stuck his nose up, trying to act snooty.

"Well, this was my cabin last year, and camp technically doesn't start until next Sunday so it is still my cabin." Hercules says, mimicking Alex's tone and stature sarcastically.

"Well, you're being rude, so get out of my cabin that was given to me to use for the rest of the summer by the camp managers. It stopped being your cabin when you left the the day after camp ended last year. Everyone else stayed a week longer, so if you really wanted to live here you could have just stayed like the rest of us." Alex shot back. He had the 'I-won-and-you-know-it' look on his face.


Alex flipped his shoulder-length hair over his shoulder like a sassy mean girl from the movies and sauntered around the room. He was being so dramatic, but everyone was smiling as if it happens all the time. I had to stifle a laugh when he tripped over his own feet.

All three of them seem so at-ease around each other. I wish I had somehow found them earlier, my life would have been way better.

As we were all joking around, a loud thump came from the other side of the door. Our laughter died down quickly. None of us knew what it was. Alex slowly tiptoed over to the window to see who- or what- it was.

He gasped and ran to open the door.

A.N. Heyyyy sorry for not updating sooner. Jeffershit is the name me and my friends call him, and since i've never heard anyone else call him that I thought 'why not put that in?'. Next chapter should be up soon (Ha) and just thanks to the ~17~ people who have read this. Vote, comment, and keep reading!

(Thomas is a certified butterfly murderer ;))

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