I need you now...

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I couldn't tell what was going on but I was freaking out to the maximum.

Worst case scenarios of Jenae and EJ being shot raced through my mind.

I couldn't think straight. Would I see Craig and my family again?

Then one thing came to my mind.

Charyssa. Jacob was freaking out when she came to town. 

What was so big about her?

The bag was taken off my head. 

I saw three dudes and a girl surrounding me.

"Well look at her." One of the dudes said. "We gotta thank Jake for bringing us right to her." He continued.

"Ej is gonna learn that my money is just as valuable as his sisters. Well the only one that's left"

He killed her my sister. My only sister. 

"Jacob?" I asked. "Jacob Perez?"  

"Oh you know him do you?" The girl asked filing her nails. 

We stopped at a warehouse type building. I was thrown over some guys shoulder.

The view of this guys ass was not the highlight of my day well if i die it might just be.

I decided to think of the positive. 

"Put her in the chair." The girl said.

I was set down and they sat in a circle around me.

"Anythign you would like to say?" She asked me.

"So is this story time or are you going to introduce youselves." I said with a smirk. 

If I was gonna die I was gonna die a badass.

"I'm Romey."

" Quinn."


"Lyssa" It ended with the girl.

"Well well well We can say our names congrats!" I said.

"Look! I will not tolerate that rude ass mouth of yours." Lyssa said getting in my face.

"What are you gonna do kill me?" I said laughing.

She pulled out a gun. 

"Lyssa chill out! We need her alive it's the only way we get our money." Romey said to her.

"God answered your prayers." She said backing up and sitting in er seat again.

I scoffed. "Ok Well next time when Ej gets you the money you might wanna invest in some Tic-Tacs."

I got a laugh out of Quinn which earned him a slap to the back of the head by Lyssa.

"Can we just kill her?"  Lyssa said breaking the silence.

I didn't like where this was going. I knew I was very afraid but I would never let them know that. 

Fear was something I would never let them get from me. But right now it was all I was feeling.

I was hyperventalating in my mind. 

"Naw we could use her for something Else." Rell Said.

"What?" Lyssa said. 

"You wouldn't get anything out of it Lyssa just go home and take care of Charyssa." Rell said

"My little sister is old enough to take care of herself." Lyssa said.

The one that ALMOST got away.Where stories live. Discover now