You're crazy

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I stared down Ms. Phillips. I hoped she realized I was not gonna be a happy camper when I get home.

“Sorry I’m late.” I saw this new student he was cute curly afro and all.

“Ahh Mr. Perez I’m Ms. Phillips,  you can take a seat by  Ms. Phillips.” She said

“Um who’s that?” He asked confused as to why there was another Ms. Phillips.

“Ms. Phillips?” My Step-mother asked.

“I take my moms’ name Owens. You of all people should know that Markla.” I challenged her with a smirk on my face.

“Just go sit by Ms. Owens.” She waved her hands not trying to get into it with me. The poor boy was confused, but came and sat by me anyways. This lesson was boring I mean I already learned half this stuff in my advanced summer camp. I just sat there I decided to sneak a peek at the boy next to me. I saw him looking at me but his eyes darted as soon as they met mine. Well he was a stalker huh? Class ended and I was held back as usual I hated it since she always threatened to tell my dad.

“Jessica you will show Jacob around the school the rest of the day.” Ms. Phillips said thinking she got a victory.

“Well he’s obviously a junior so remind me how to do that?” I said crossing my arms.

“You seem to have the same lunch and Hip-hop dance class together so figure it out!” She snapped.

“Rude!” I shot back at her. She gave me a glance. I rolled my neck and got comfortable sitting on th edge of her desk.

“Just hurry up or you’ll be responsible for his tardiness as well as your own.” I rolled my eyes and quickly grabbed Jacob’s arm walking out of class.

“Well she seems pleasant..” he said making small talk. “Yeah well it’s whatever.” I said not wanting to talk about her. “I’ve never seen someone call the teacher by their first name.” He said.

“Well when your he manipulative step-daughter you learn you can call her almost about anything.” I said smiling with success. “Wow you must not like her huh?” He asked. “eh we have our moments when she helps me out of detention or something and I keep kids from acting up but mostly yeah it’s a mutual hate relationship.” I said

“Oh well you haven’t seen my schedule where are we going?” he asked “Yeah where are you two going?” I heard a familiar voice. “Hey, Craig! WE are all going to hip-hop dance since you share the same period with us.” I said wrapping my other arm around Craig’s. I kept walked until we got here.  I looked at his schedule eh he had a lot of classes with Craig. I was hoping they would become friends. This would be a great opportunity to help a new kid.

Dance was quite successful that Jacob kid could dance. He seemed pretty quiet though so I would have to change that. Something about him seemed so deep and irregular huh a boy with mysteries I liked that.

I went on with my classes biology came in my 4th hour and this was my last period before lunch which means I would have to go find that Jacob kid.

“Whatcha thinking bout?” Jenae asked me being very nosey. Yeah we patched things up and I apologized turns out she didn’t hold a grudge. Weird I sure did hold mine.

“eh just that new kid Jacob Perez.” I said “oh the hottie with the afro?” he eyes lit up like lights on a Christmas tree “Oh my gawd he’s so hot!” She said loudly.

“Twins would you like to explain to the class what your talking about?” Mr. Gregory asked us. I rolled my eyes I hated being called that. I decided to stand up and head to the front of the class.

The one that ALMOST got away.Where stories live. Discover now