Moment for life

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Jenae's POV

Well this was a bust i was sitting here like wtf  'WHY ISN'T JACOB HERE!!' I thought to myself.

"He just walked in chill!!" Jessica said pointing to him and Alishia walking through the door.

"Damn said that aloud didn't I?" I was trying not to look too desperate. I mean I wanted to get to know him better before all the other girls did. "Who invited Gaycob?And Who's the sexy girl with him?" EJ asked cracking his knuckles. "We did, and Alishia his friend. now GTFO!" I said shooing him grabbing Jessica's arm pulling her out of a conversation with Craig. We headed towards the two. "Hey!! We were trying to make plans for later this week." Jessica said in protest. "Hey guys wassup?" I said overly excited Jacob was here there was something about this boy that made me crave him. I wasn't gonna let anyone get in the way of me and him. "Hey guys nice party! That boy over there is hot seen him around school a lot."Alishia said pointing to EJ. "Alishia no he's not a good guy.........." Jacob said lowering his voice. 

"huh?" I said barely catching that last part. "No offense!" His head shot up looking apologetic. "No I don't care about him not one bit I just didn't hear you." I said enlocking Jessica as she tried to squirm back over to Craig.  "Oh it's not important. " He stared at his feet again. "Oh are you dating him?" Alishia asked me. "Oh ugh no that's gross, yeah he's my brother." I said as her smile widened hearing the I guess good news. 

"Oh well that's  another story." She stood there twirling her hair and biting her lip just staring at him. "Yeah but um his girlfriends pregnant." Jessica said making me remember that she was still enlocked by my grip. I was afraid being left with Jacob would make me say something tottally goofy. "Oh that's who was outed at lunch I heard  i guess a brother and sister fighting and im guessing that was one of you? I wasn't really paying attention. Apparently it's just like me to try and get myself into drama on the first day of school." Alishia said. Her eyes cut towards Jacob. "Hey! don't give me the death stare it's not  my fault I'm supposed to lookout for you." He said putting his hands up in surrender.

 "Hey Alishia right?" I heard Ej's voice behind me. This boy just had to have every girl he wanted huh? Well I can't stop him nor will I try. "Hey look it's Austin!" I turned my head in the direction Jasmine was pointing. She ran off towards Craig. "Bitch!' I mumbled. I looked back and saw Jacob laughing. "What?" I touched my face lightly trying to wipe away any food or messed up make-up. "Oh it's not you it's EJ he's tottally striking out with Alishia." He said. "woah could you calm down your I think everyone here can actually HEAR your excitment." I said puching him playfully. "Oh sorry." He smiled "It's just I know Alishia like the back of my hand she would never--- Woah when did that spot get there!" He said pretending to inspect his hand in the light.

"Boy! you are to crazy!" I rested my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped both his arms around me. It was kinda like we were dating. Wait! was this moving too fast? Haha No! I wish I could stay like this forever. 


sorry it's short i havent written in forever i just felt like i had to get something out there The next chapter is um... wow exciting shal i say?

The one that ALMOST got away.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu