you guys get back together (male)

Start from the beginning

Rickon Stark
(Let's say Rickon survives the battle of the bastards)
You saw Sansa. You ran to her. You hugged her. "I have missed you," you say. "I have missed you as well but I think someone else misses you the most," she says finishing with a smirk. You nodded. You knew that had to be your last greeting knowing it will be the hardest. You saw Jon and he saw you so you guys hugged and said you missed each other and again the bastard said to find Rickon. You nodded. You looked all around for him. You smiled when you found him in your spot. You walked up to him. He looked at you and smiled. You hugged him. "I'm sorry," you whisper in his ear. "It does not matter now just say you still love me and will be mine again," the boy says. "Of course," you say smiling. You guys just held each other for as long as possible. Not wanting to let go and even when you to did you were always in arms reach of each other.

Theon greyjoy
You sat by the river. you heard a branch crunch behind you. You flip around only to see the devil himself. The young greyjoy just sat next to you. You groaned before getting ready to stand up. "Don't leave you were here first please just stay," The stark ward pleads. You stopped and sat back down. "In sorry," The pike native apologies. "So," you you state. "I miss you," he says letting a tear fall from his eye. "I do not care Theon," you answer in monotone. "I love you," he says desperately. "Good for you," you mumbled. "In sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry ok I am very very sorry," the rightful lord of the Iron Islands sadly admits. You looked down before sadly asking, "why did you do it?" "I was scared I was madly in love with you a feeling I have never had before it was scary plus as I am afraid to admit it I am a man and I have needs," he explained. "Really that is your excuse," you asked in disbelief. "It is not an excuse it is the reason I can not give any valid reason to cheat on the best thing that has ever happened to me," Theon explained softly. "Who was she," you asked? For the first time since the breakup, you allowed tears to fall from your eyes. "It doesn't matter she means nothing to me," he says. "Who was she," you asked angrily? "I don't remember her name I think it was Natalina or Catalina something like that she is just one of the maids," The greyjoy answered truthfully. you stayed silent. "I don't like when you quite please scream at me tell me you hate me something anything," the young man begs. "What do you want from me Theon you broke my heart would you like me to admit that what do you want from me," you asked? "I do not want you to take me back or forgive me because I do not deserve that but you deserve an explanation and I can't give you one because I don't know myself, " he explained. You looked at him seeing he had tears running down his face again. "Even if I don't deserve you or your forgiveness it would be nice," Theon admitted.  You just shook your head. "7 hells I have apologized every time I have seen you since it happened what do I have to do I will do anything," the greyjoy asked? "Will you ever do it again," you asked? "Of course not," the ward said. "Vow to me that you will never cheat on me again," you commanded? "I vow to you y/n that I will never cheat again I will never break your heart again I will always be there to protect you emotionally and physically, " The greyjoy vowed. "Does that mean you will forgive me," The young man asked hopefully. "You are forgiven but you still have to prove to me you will keep your promise, " you say. "Will you be mine again," Theon asked? "Yes," you say. He lent down and kissed you softly. You pulled away and laid your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you. You both sat like that until sundown just looked at the view, talking, laughing and occasionally stealing kisses from one another.

Tommen Baratheon
You knocked on Tommen's door. You heard shuffling. The prince opened the door tear soaked cheeks and red eyes. You pulled him into a hug and he hugged back tightly. "Its okay Tommen its okay to be upset," you say soothingly. You heard him sob into your shoulder. You held him and whispered soothing words in his ear. He stopped crying and pulled away.  "You're not mad at me anymore," Tommen asked? "I overreacted and I am sorry I could never be mad at you for long and even if I was I would still be here for you Tommen I love you," you replied honestly. "Does that mean you will still marry me," he asked? "Of course," you say smiling. He pulled you in for a kiss. You kiss back. He pulled you into his chambers. You spent the rest of the day cuddle together just planning your future.

Joffery Baratheon
His heart cracked in two when he read your letter. What shocked everyone was every time he tried to be cruel he could not he would remember the letter and he would serve a punishment not as cruel as usual. You were happy he was changing. You heard a knock at the door and Joffery was there. "Hello," Joffery says. "Hi," you say confused. "Can I come in," the king asked? "Yes your grace," you say letting him in. "I am sorry for the way I was and the way I made you feel," the lion apologized. "It's okay you have changed you are doing better," you say. "So since I am changing for you do you think you will be mine again," the Lannister asked? "As long as you keep doing things the way you are now them, of course, my love," you state. You kissed him. He kissed back. You kissed until you could not breathe. You spent the rest of the day just being together.

Ramsay Bolton
You were walking in the woods when you heard a crunch. You snapped around to find an older man. You heard another couple crunches and out came an ugly guy closer to your age and an old fat guy. You looked for an escape but found none with the way they were standing there. "Who might you be," the first man asked? "I'm y/n Bolton wife of Ramsay Bolton," you answer in fear. "Now how could he let a beauty such as yourself out of his sight," the man asked smirking? "Did you know your husband killed my wife," the second asked? "No," you whisper in fear. "He killed my daughter and his son," the third one said. "Now we are going to teach him a lesson we're going to fuck you bloody until we are bored then we are going to slowly and painfully kill you only to leave you for your little lord to find," he said smirking. The men grab you and throw you to the ground. The other two men held you down. He unzipped his pants when you heard a familiar voice behind him and barking. "I would zip up my pants now or else my girls just might have their favorite snack and you two let her go or else what I did to your wife and daughter won't compare to what will happen to you," he growled. The other men stood shaking in fear. You took that as an advantage and kicked the old man where the sun does not shine and punch the other two. You got up and ran to Ramsay. "Are you okay," he asked? "I'm ok now that you are here," you say. He called his guards. He told some of them to take the first man and set him on the x. "Now which one wants to be flayed and which wants to be a nice snack for my dogs," he asked in a low sinister way? They just shook in fear. "Take that one to the flay chambers," The bastard demanded of his guards pointing towards the younger of this three. Both men were pulled away screaming for mercy but even they knew that would not happen they fucked with the woman he loves so they were certainly in for pain and lots of it. The other man just accepted his fate. "Run they like a chase," he said chuckling. The fat old man got up running. "Get em girls then come back," he demanded before his dogs took off after the man. He turned to you and pulled you into him. "Are you okay," he asked? "I am fine you got here just in time," you say. "I'm sorry," the Bolton said. "For," you questioned?  "Everything for hurting all of those people for you all most getting hurt," Ramsey explained softly before continuing, " after these three I will take it easy ok." you smiled before pressing your lips to his. When you pulled away. "I am sorry," you say softly. "For what," The Lord of Winterfell asks? "For doubting that you love for me," you explain. He just kissed you. "Does that mean you are a hundred percent mine again like you will move back in my chambers and everything, " The Lord of Dreadfort asked? "I always was yours," you answer truthfully. You kissed him again. You spent the rest of the day together not doing anything specific just together.

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