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I've always had prewritten chapters but now I'm just writing these lmao


Jack shut the front door, back turned toward Mark who was already peeping into the kitchen. Jack sighed as Mark grinned when Mrs. McLoughlin greeted them enthusiastically.

"Hello, boys! Glad you could come over, Mark."

Jack wiggled past her and started up the stairway to his room. He got to the top, turning around when he knew Mark wasn't following.

"Aren't you coming?"

"I'm... Gonna help your mom out with her cooking for a bit. I'd like to talk to her." Mark shrugged, glancing away to look into the kitchen.

Jack snorted, "Suit yourself."

At least it gave him time to think before he decided to get all angry.

He'd heard every word between Felix and Mark. He hadn't missed a single syllable. And if Felix's suspicions were true, Jack wouldn't know what to think. Or even how to feel.

Setting his things down by his door, Jack started to question himself rather than the boy he was somewhat mad at.

Had he been foolish? Was he really being played this whole time? Maybe Mark was using his easy forgiving and his instant trust as an advantage? Sure, Mark had reason to be cautious, but had Jack shown any signs of being such a dick? No.

Maybe Jack was just too nice and kind, so he got trampled. That's exactly what happened with Lee. It could very well happen with Mark as well. Though Jack knew better than that, he couldn't shake away the thought of Mark always being a best friend who fucks when and whenever he wanted once the idea blossomed.

Jack sat on his bed, cross legged and staring blankly at the television. He tucked his hands underneath his bottom, letting numerous things pass his mind. He couldn't help it. Jack was a natural over thinker. He began to analyze everything every once in a while. Now, he was going over everything that'd happened in the past.

Mark always made moves on him, as if he was genuinely serious about a relationship. They'd hold hands, kiss, hang around each other twenty four seven, even hide anything they did sexually. Everything Jack thought would be in an actual relationship. Mark was even closer to him than before, odd enough.

But then Mark would avoid anything of the sort around people he knew, school, or even public in general. He was awfully hesitant about talking to Felix. And he said plenty of things that made Jack feel like absolute shit. Now he was really beginning to think maybe Lee had been right a while back.

Maybe Mark didn't truly care at all, and was getting what he wanted to only leave...

Jack didn't budge when his door opened, loudly squeaking and revealing the devil he'd been speaking of. He could barely see him from the corner of his eyes, but Jack suddenly felt upset and wanted to be alone.

"Hey, Jack-"

"Please go away..."

Mark froze after shutting the door, giving him a curious and slightly startled look. "What?"

"I didn't stutter. Go home, Mark."

"No, I need you to listen, it's really important-"

"No, you listen to me for once, okay? Leave me alone! I just don't wanna be talked to anymore." Jack folded his hands under his armpits, avoiding looking at Mark as much as possible. He didn't even glance at him. He continued to stare at the wrinkled sheets of his bed.

"Jack, I think you really need to hear this. Can't you just listen?"

"What? Absolutely not." Jack snorted, shooing him with a wave of his hand. "I've let you do you this entire time. Now, I'd appreciate it if my best friend would please go home. Said friend should just not talk to me at all. At least this weekend."

Mark frowned, obviously shocked at Jack's sudden stubbornness and need to get away from him. "If you insist..."

"Thanks. Goodbye, now."

"See you Monday, then..? I'll text you when you feel better..."

Jack didn't answer. And he only glanced at him when Mark left.

He couldn't wait to tell his Ma his best friend was probably another Lee; that'll be fun.


this was a mess whoops

I also silently stole an idea from the comments. W H O O P S  A G A I N.

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