15| Ghosts and Merpeople

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It was a month later and the rumours still hadn't died down. The stress was getting to Draco. Everywhere he went, he'd hear people talking about the werewolf at Hogwarts and it took everything in him not to break under the fear of people finding out. Then there was the other problem of the Wolfsbane potion running out.

Nearly all the students were planning to stay up on the full moon to try and catch the werewolf. Draco and Professor McGonagall had planned that the day before the full moon, Draco would get a fake emergency note from his parents and he'd go to Hogsmeade. At nightfall, he'd enter the Shrieking Shack- hopefully unseen. 

The night before the full moon, Draco hadn't been able to keep it in anymore. He'd been signing to the mer-people in the crowded common room, something he usually did. Before the Battle, he'd only ever talk to the mere-people and Elizabeth Warren (also known as Moaning Myrtle). There was one mere-person that he was closest to. For some reason, though, he refused to give his name, so Draco called him Jason.

After the Triwizarding Tournament, Draco had found a way to get underwater and pass an ear microphone to Jason. They didn't have to sign as much after that, since they could hear each other. Jason asked, "Will you sing?"

Draco shook his head, stroking Midnight who lay asleep on his lap, "No way. There's too many people here."

"Please," begged Jason, "We haven't spoken in ages, you've been spending all your time with those three girls. You owe me at least this."

Draco sighed. Before, on one of Draco's sleepless nights, he'd come down to the common room and simply sat in front of the glass and watched the water swirling. He'd began to sing, not realising that the microphone was on. Jason had heard and apparently loved it.  "There's too many people, Jason."

"But your voice is so good," he complained. "I'm a mer-person who thinks you sing well, that's saying something. Just this once, I won't ask again!"

"Fine, but don't expect it to be good. Last time was luck." Draco closed his eyes and began to sing. It was a song that his mother would sing to him. It went with a story about a man who fell in love with a witch. When his memory was obliviated, he made this song about a hole in his heart that he couldn't figure out how to fill. It was a song about loss and heartache and longing that Draco couldn't help but find comfort in.

Within seconds, Draco was absorbed in the song. He sang with all his heart, pouring out his sorrow, guilt, fear, shame and joy into it. It was like the words were coming out of his heart instead of his lips.

~Astoria's P.O.V.~

"Tomorrow is going to be so cool. You think we'll find out who the werewolf is?" Ellie said, dumping her unfinished homework in her bag. 

Astoria furrowed her brow on an especially difficult question- also trying to stay out of the conversation. "Bennie, answer to this?"

Benine took one look at it and scribbled down the answer. Ellie glanced at it too and added another line. "Oh my gosh, listen to that," Astoria heard someone say from the table beside them. She perked her ears and heard it. A familiar voice resonated through the common room. It was deep but soft, quiet but reaching every corner of the room. 

Soon, a hush had fallen over everyone as they listened to the melodic, hypnotizing voice. It was filled with loss and inexpressible pain, with fear and hope, and it fit perfectly with the tones of the song. 

Astoria stared in awe at Draco. As he delved deeper into the song, his voice became more powerful. "Wow," Astoria breathed. 

"The day will come and I swear I'll take it- both hands. I swear to you I'll never forget. I swear. Oooooh. I swear." He sang the last syllable and took a deep breath, his eyes still closed.

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