5| Meeting with Ellie

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Draco shrugged on his coat, shivering. Snow covered every surface like a thick, white blanket. The other three (Astoria, Benine and Blaise) had stopped at Honeydukes to change into more casual clothes while Draco decided to stay in the suit. 

Once he'd walked out, he'd unceremoniously had to sneak back in to get his coat that he'd forgotten. The others had stayed silent on the topic and instead talked about meeting with Ellie, he appreciated that. 

A second later, the three came out of Honeydukes, a black backpack on Benine with their clothes in it. Astoria was now wearing jeans and a stripy jumper and coat, wrapped tightly in a scarf and hat. Blaise the same, except he didn't have a hat. Benine- unsurprisingly- wore all black- jeans, coat, boots, scarf. 

They all touched hands and at the count of three apparated, appearing in a dark alleyway. "This way," Benine lead them out onto a busy street with shops and stores. London. They turned the corner and saw Ellie across the street. 

"Hi!" she screamed, waving her arms madly. She was wearing a new pair of brown finger-less gloves, a wide smile on her face. They crossed over to be greeted by Ellie- throwing her arms around each of them. "You guys came. Finally! I have been waiting for ages." She stuck her hand out to Blaise, "Hey, I'm Ellie. You're..."

"Blaise," he shook her hand. 

"He's a mate," Draco said, "You don't mind him being here, do you."

"Nah, it's cool to have you come along too. 'A simple hello could lead to a million things.'" She had the familiar glint in her eye every time she quoted. 

"Seniels Lemenia." It wasn't Draco who said it this time. It was out of Blaise's mouth before Draco could even think who it was. 

"Wooow!" grinned Ellie, holding out her fist for a fist bump, "Respect!"

Ellie fished out some cards and handed it to each of them. "These are the tickets to get into the movie theatre, don't lose them. Come on, it's nearly starting." She took them into a nearby building that was lit with Christmas decorations. Inside it was buzzing with energy. Ellie bought herself a ticket and two buckets of popcorn for them. 

The room they entered was dim and had row upon row of chairs that were nearly filled up. At the front was a large rectangle on the wall. The sat at the four empty seats in the back. "You guys are gonna love this!" whisper-screamed Ellie, barely able to contain her excitement. 

The rectangle shape on the wall lit up. "It's starting."

Five minutes in and they all sat wide eyed, stuffing popcorn in their mouths, staring at the screen (that's what it was called Ellie had said). There'd be an occasional 'Wow' or 'How do muggles do this?!' or 'Did you see that?!' from one of them.

Other than that, the pure-bloods were too absorbed to say anything.

* * * * *

"That was flipping amazing!" bust Blaise as soon as the movie was finished and the screen had dimmed. 

"Pure magic!"


"How come we don't have moves!"

Ellie dissolved in laughter. "Movies, not moves!"

They exited the room, still baffled about the movie, talking in excitement. Draco was uncharacteristically bubbly. What he'd seen was awesome. There was nothing else to describe it. He put his hand around Astoria once out in the cold night. "What d'you think about the... movis?"

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