3| Daphne's Surprise Visit

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Over the weeks that passed, Draco spent more and more time with the trio which he had come to think of as friends. He didn't want to get too close to them since that would be too dangerous, but he couldn't help but crave their company when they weren't around and enjoy it when they were. They'd hang out in the common room, the Great Hall and he'd wait for them outside their classes when he'd finished with his. 

"What shall we do? Today is so boring!" Ellie said through a yawn as she slouched in a bean bag. "If only Tori were here, stupid professor had to give her detention though." (Tori is Astoria's nickname).

"Study," said Benine from her book, "I haven't seen you do that since last month. And we have our O.W.Ls this year."

"Draco, can I borrow your cheat sheet you used in our year?" She had a glint in her eye.

"Oh no you don't," Benine shot up into seating position. "The time I let you cheat is the time I'm dead and long gone!"

"Anyway," Draco cut in, smirking, "I didn't need a cheat sheet. I was always second best in my classes- still am."

Benine raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on her lips, "But Hermione always beats you to the top."

Draco instantly lost his smile. Whenever Hermione was mentioned, he could never think of anything but her being tortured in the Manor. The blood. Her screams. Fred. The fallen fifty. Lavender.

And he was part of the reason they had all suffered. 

He closed his eyes tightly shut and pushed the horrific images from his head. "You okay, Draco?"

He was saved from answering by Astoria. She dumped her books on the table and sat down with a wicked grin. "Guess what! Professor Trelawney let me out of detention early. She had a sudden need to go to the bathroom. Must have been something in the tea."

"You did it, didn't you?" Draco said, "You said you'd take revenge for giving you so many detentions."

Benine groaned. "No. Please tell me you didn't."

Astoria shrugged smugly, "What can I say. I had to let her enjoy her tea, and plus, she said no talking so I couldn't warn her."

Draco burst out laughing. "Oh her face! I wish I could've seen it!"

"Told you Tori would give us something to do," Ellie laughed. 

"The poor lady. Honestly, I don't like her, but she's so lost all the time," Benine tutted, though she couldn't stop the grin that spread over her face. "She had no idea what was coming, did she?"

"None. And when she'd drank it, she said: my tea tastes a bit strange today. I wish you guys had seen it. If only."

"The only people who beat you at pranks is Fred and George," Draco said, still doubled over with laughter. Until he realised. Fred was dead. "I mean... George."

The others didn't notice and they continued laughing about Professor Trelawney. Draco had lost his laughter. He was consumed entirely by guilt and it took all his efforts not to let it show and keep the smile fixed on his face. 

* * * * *

"I can't believe you're actually making me study!" cried Ellie as she was dragged to the library. "I still have another two days until my astronomy homework is due, same with transfiguration."

Draco held open the library door for her, smirking. Benine said through gritted teeth, "You're gonna fail so badly if you don't."

"And then you'll blame it on us for not helping you study," Astoria uttered, her black and white tabby cat trailing behind her. They pushed her down on a chair and Astoria placed her books in front of her. Six in total. 

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