10| A Curse Re-awoken

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~Astoria's P.O.V.~

"Who can name the three unforgivable curses?" said the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. 

Benine didn't even look up from scribbling down notes when answering, "The killing, Imperius and Cruciatus curse."

Astoria's head shot up when she heard the word Cruciatus. She'd been zoned out, thinking about Draco's scars. She had repeatedly asked him over the last week, but he'd dodged around the question every time. 

"How many times have I spoken to you about shouting out, Benine?" sighed Professor Wilson, "The worst is the killing; Avada Kedavra. The Imperius Curse allows the person t control you and every move you make. And lastly, the Cruciatus Curse is the torture curse. Many have gone mad and lost their minds because of it."

Ellie squeezed Astoria's hand. She was starting to feel pale. Professor Wilson pulled out a jar from her draw. Inside it was three spiders. She took one out and cleared her throat. "The first we'll do is the Cruciatus Curse. Watch carefully and take notes." 

Astoria found herself gripping the sides of her desk. 

"Crucio!" The spider squeaked and lifted in the air, it twitched wildly, its legs being thrown everywhere. 

Astoria's knuckles turned white. She couldn't move. She was paralysed with fear. Her blood bubbled in her veins, hot. She heard Benine shoot up, her chair toppling behind her. "Stop! STOP! I said!" But it was as if she was far in the distance, her voice only an echo. 

Pain. Hot searing pain. 

She heard and inhuman scream reverberated around the room. And only a second before the darkness overtook her did she realise the scream was coming from her. 

Then black. 

~Draco's P.O.V.~


Ellie came crashing into his class and all eyes turned to face her. "What are you doing disturbing my lesson?"

"Draco," she puffed, leaning against the door frame. "Astoria! She fainted... Coma... In the hospital wing!" 

Draco frowned and hurriedly stuffed his books and parchment in his bag. Before the professor could say a word, he was running through the corridors with Ellie to the Hospital Wing. They entered to find all the beds empty but one. Benine was standing beside the bed in the far left corner. A small, pale body lay in the bed. Her face was devoid of colour and emotion, her hair lay limp at her shoulders and her hand curled tightly above her heart; Astoria. 

Madame Pomfrey came out of her office with a bottle filled with a dull blue coloured liquid that she injected into Astoria's arm. Only then did she look at them. 

"How is she?" Benine asked. 

"Her heart is beating regularly and I expect she'll be waking within the next few days. I suspect it's the same reason as the last," she said with a look at Ellie and Benine. 

 "What?! This happened before?" Draco demanded. 

"Something like that," Benine muttered. 

"Come on now," ushered Madame Pomfrey, "Out you go. Astoria needs her rest, you know the visiting hours."

Draco dropped his bad by the bed and sat down on a nearby chair. "I'm not leaving."

"Same here." Ellie was grinning cheekily but there was an edge to it that said: I dare you to try to make me move. 

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