4| The Christmas Party

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Sorry for not publishing in so long. I'll hopefully be publishing a chapter every Saturday and any other day I'm free. :) Enjoy!


The huge hall was draped in green holly. A Christmas tree stood on the side, glittering with lights. People mingled in small groups, the holiday atmosphere creating a buzz  and the smell of butterbeer in the air. Men in tuxedos, women in long dresses. A crowd already beginning to dance in the centre of the hall, the music being notched up. 

"I hate that I actually enjoy these parties sometimes," said Draco to Blaise- one of his few true friends that had dropped out of seventh year at Hogwarts. They always had a Christmas party for the 28 pure blood families during the holidays, it was grand, posh and a tradition that went back further than any of the living pure bloods; the Weasley's never came.

"The parties are okay, just hate that I have to wear this," Blaise answered, looking down in contempt at his suit. Draco shrugged, bringing the glass of butterbeer to his lips and taking a sip. He'd always loved suits, whereas, Blaise on the other hand preferred jeans and a t-shirt. 

"Look, Bennie and Tori are here," Blaise said, nodding towards to the hall doors. He raised his hand to them in a wave. Coming through the entrance were two families- one of them with dark hair and eyes like Benine, her parents and younger brother. And the second was a women with blonde hair and a regal expression fixed on her face, a man with brown hair combed back, his back stiff as he walked in, Daphne, and lastly... Astoria. 

She wore a long, jade green dress to match her eyes. Intricate gold embroidery spiralled behind her waist, up her body and around her arms like snakes, her dress flowing as she walked. Green heals peeked out, a gold snake spiralled up the heal. Her hair was out, a braid laced with gold over her head; simple and beautiful. 

Draco caught his breath. He only realised he was staring when Blaise nudged him and said with a knowing smile, "Close your mouth dude- the look doesn't suite you." He forced his eyes off of her, feeling heat rise behind his neck. 

"Hey," he said once they'd reached them, a butterbeer in each of their hands, picked up at a table they'd passed.

"Hi Tori," said Blaise, giving her a one arm hug, "How's my fave cuzz doing?" 

Astoria gave him a peck on the cheek and Draco felt something in him... jealousy? No! "I'm doing awesome. Did I mention you look so smart in a tuxedo." 

Blaise scowled and Astoria laughed. "I thought so."

They passed their greetings. Only then did Draco even notice what Benine was wearing: a plain black long dress with black embroidery covering it. She had her hair out too, three braids along the side of her head. Even then, she wore her black leather jacket on top- the sleeves cut off. 

"You guys won't believe what," Astoria bursts, "It took me at least five hours to persuade Bennie to wear a dress! And still I couldn't make her take her take off her jacket, or her black combat boots. So you guys better appreciate what she's wearing today- it took me a whole day of effort!"

Draco found himself the first one laughing which got him surprised looks from the others that they tried to cover up. "What about you?" he asked. 

"No no no," Blaise interrupted, "I know this story. I have literally heard it every Christmas. Correct me if I'm wrong, Tori, basically, this is what happened- the party was drawing near and Tori begged her mum to wear it. The special dress that had been passed down the ancestry line for years," he swooned. 

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