2| The Beginning

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Damn it! Cursed Draco as he hurried down the stairs. He was going to be late for Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall and she was not going to be happy. He stumbled down a few steps and jumped the last three. After what she had done for him, the least he could do was be on time for her lessons; but he couldn't even do that. Damn it!

He was running through the corridor when he saw someone from the corner of his eye, out of the window. He turned his head to see Astoria Greengrass standing feet apart with her wand out against a Ravenclaw. "You hate all muggle borns just 'cause you're the pure twenty eight," he mocked, his lip curling into a sneer. 

"I don't hate muggle borns! You're the one that tried to jinx me. Let's go to class and pretend you didn't just wrongly accuse me and try to hex me, okay? We're already late," Astoria replied. 

"Okay," said the Ravenclaw, lowering his wand. Astoria lowered hers too and turned to walk inside. She saw Draco and gave him a smile. 

Behind her, the boy was already raising his wand again, smirking. "Astoria!" even before the warning had left his lips, the jinx hit her square in the back. She toppled forward, hitting the ground hard.

Draco ran outside, all thoughts of Transfiguration disappearing. He pulled out his wand and shouted, "Expelliarmus!" The wand flew out of the boy's hand. "Flipendo!" He was knocked down. His head hit the ground and he fell unconscious. Draco snarled and kicked him in the stomach before going over to Astoria. 

She'd fallen unconscious too. There was a deep gash on her cheek where she'd fallen on a stone. Blood dripped from her lip. Draco picked her up in his arms and grudgingly levitated the Ravenclaw boy. 

He reached the hospital wing and opened the door with his foot. "What is this?" Madame Pomfrey cried as soon as he walked in. She rushed over and put each of them in a bed. "What happened?"

"The Ravenclaw boy jinxed Astoria behind her back," he snarled, "And she'd done nothing wrong."

Draco watched silently as Madame Pomfrey treated her.Then he sat next to her bed waiting to see if she was fine. He didn't know why, but he felt strangely protective over her. She looked even prettier up close- her lips a dark pink, her nose smoothly curved upwards at the point. She had bright green eyes and large pupils. She's beautiful, thought Draco. What are you thinking! He pushed the thought out of his head.

Just then, her eyes fluttered open. She blinked and tried to sit up as Madame Pomfrey rushed towards her. "Don't get up, you must rest. Here, eat some chocolate, you'll feel better." She lay down again and took a bite out of the bar, her eyes closed. She hadn't seen Draco. 

He stood up and tiptoed out of the Hospital wing. He'd only stayed to make sure she was feeling better, now that she was up, he had nothing to do there. 

* * * * *

Draco sat in his usual place in the common room, his head buried in the Arithmacy book. Nowadays, he had nothing to do but study. It wasn't too bad though, especially since he had a lot to catch up on. He'd barely learnt anything in sixth year. He still had the extra homework from the missed Transfiguration lesson that morning. 

Someone coughed in front of him. He looked up to see three girls. One with long black hair, dark eyes, she was tall and dressed all in black. The second was shorter, with dirty blonde hair cut in a bob and parted in the middle. She had a wide smile and was wearing brown finger-less gloves. The last girl had her shirt barely tucked in, her brown hair in a bun, her wand holding it in place. She too was smiling; Astoria. 

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