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I stared at the newspaper as my parents suggested for me to get a job (and a life) to live on my own.

I sighed and flipped the papers closed.
"I heard there's this camp our "old friend" Davey's working in" I remembered what I've read in a group chat of my friends.

Well they weren't quite my friends... We used to bully some kids when we were younger - I regret it so much, I tried helping our victims out and even leave the group but my brother always pulled me back into it.

Now that we all graduated, they are starting to realize all of the bad they've done and start acting more like me.

I found the camp they've been talking about and applied into it - the owner wasn't quite there and I was hired right away - after they got rid of the weird person that tries to apply before me but was actually a cultist.

I set my luggage down before the gate as I saw a female and a male.

The male being all-too-familiar. The female had tan skin, dark brown hair and violet eyes (which is quite rare and means of talent). She looked nice.

The male has reasonable tanned white skin, ginger hair and green eyes. He looked at me, his eyes widening and moved his gaze to the female.

"Gwen, did you hire her?" he asked and the female shook her head. He looked back at me and I just smiled a bit.

"I'm (Y/N), your new co-counselor!" I said cheerfully. "You must be Gwen." I shook the female's hand and she smiled back.

David looked at me with a forced smile which I had noticed.

"David, look. I'm sorry okay? I tried helping you but Jon (your brother's name) held me back from doing so-"

"I trusted you-" he started, "I trusted you and- you turned on me." Gwen looked at us with confused eyes and just backed away.

"I promise you that I was forced to. I regret every single thing I did and I promise I'll be there for you- always."

He nodded and smiled a bit. My group of "friends" used to bully him since he came back from this camp. I don't know what happened and how but he changed - a lot - when he came back.


David showed me around the camp and introduced me to the campers, some liking me right away but others being suspicious of me.

"Don't worry, Max always keeps an eye out on everyone that's new," David reassured me as I unpacked my shit.

David and I were sharing a cabin - kinda reminded me of my older days with us sharing a dorm in high school.

"He's a little stubborn little kid, isn't he?" I said jokingly, chuckling a bit as I threw in my last pieces of clothing into the shared (small, if I might add) closet.

"Yup!" David answered, still maintaining his very cheerful voice.


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