Sakura Blooms: [Chapter 36]

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(A/N: Here's a picture that I don't own, but looks like an accurate representation of Team Seven.)

"Wow, you seem a lot older than us, dattebayo!" Naruto noted loudly, making Kabuto nod.

"Yes, I've taken the Chūnin Exams...six times, or so."

Sasuke smirked, and shook off Ino's hold on his left arm so he could cross them. "If you still haven't passed on your seventh try that means something," he scoffed haughtily.

Kabuto's eyes flashed with irritation that only Sakura and Shikamaru seemed to see, but was quickly covered up. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and laughed. "I guess so." The grey-haired teenager pulled out a deck of cards. "But since you're only rookies, you wouldn't understand. Because I've been in the system for so long—"

"You were able to gather information on all participants," Sakura finished, and both Shikamaru and Kabuto nodded at her.

"You're pretty sharp," Kabuto noted, then smiled at her. Then, he shuffled the deck. "Anyone you want to know about?"

Sasuke stepped forward, arms still crossed. "Gaara of Sunagakure, and Rock Lee of Konohagakure."

"Okay, Rock Lee first: he's a year ahead of you, his sensei in Maito Gai. His teammates are TenTen and Neji Hyūga. The only thing he's worth mentioning is that he can't use chakra. He relies solely on taijutsu."

Sasuke nodded. That makes sense. I could only detect a small amount of chakra within him, and I bet no one here knows how to hide their chakra signature yet. It requires excellent chakra control. He glanced over to Sakura. Maybe she could...

"And we have Gaara from Sunagakure. He's the same age as you. His sensei is Baki, a highly regarded jōnin in their village. His teammates are Kankuro and Temari. It seems they're all siblings, actually."

"They're siblings? They didn't look anything like each other, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed.

"They are," Kabuto assured the blonde, then inhaled sharply. "No way..."

"What? What made you freak out, —ttebayo?"

"He's been on at least five A-ranked at least, and..." He placed the card on the ground so they could all see.

"This guy's a powerhouse, basically," Sasuke said, then smirked. I hope I get to fight him.

"Yes," Kabuto agreed, before another voice was heard.

"You're the rookies that think you can beat everyone here? Pathetic." A boy with black spiky hair came forward, sneering. His hitai-ate had a music note carved into the metal.

"What village are you from, —ttebayo?" Naruto asked loudly, pointing right at him.

"Otogakure, Ramen-boy. Sound," Sakura replied, staring at the boy in mild interest.

"You're right, Pinky. I'm Zaku," He said, then did a double take when he looked at Sakura. He stared at her for a little longer than what most would consider to be normal, then looked around to the other genin. Sasuke pushed Sakura backwards, then stepped in her place.

"You know, nobody likes loud, obnoxious genin that don't know squat about what they're talking of," Zaku sneered at Naruto.

"Why you—!" Naruto charged forward, but was held back by Kabuto.

"Naruto, it wouldn't be wise to do that." When he tried to explain why he shouldn't fight, his glasses cracked, and Kabuto fell to the floor, puking.

Sakura Blooms (#1 Sakura Trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang