“We really need to work on talking to each other, or I wouldn’t be having these stupid doubts.” I told him softly. He smiled softly at me, kissing my cheek lightly.

“I promise from now on, you will have no reason for doubt anymore.” He said, softly but sternly. “I will do everything I promised you I’d do in my vows. I plan on keeping them.” He added, holding me against his chest. I nodded slowly and closed my eyes. I was trying to think about everything that has happened in the past few months. Why did Persephone kiss him, why was Calliope still trying to kill me? Right now, I didn’t care, just as long as I had Henry, everything was alright.

I looked up at Henry, brushing my fingers through his hair. He looked into my eyes, taking my hand and holding it to my cheek. I leaned in enough so there was still an inch or two of space between our lips.

“Isobel, I know it’s still early in the day, but can I give you a goodnight kiss?” He asked softly. I smiled so hard, my cheeks hurt.

I nodded and he leaded in, kissing my lips softly. I kissed him back, melting into his body. He tightened his arms around me, supporting my weight. This felt so right, so… natural, I loved it.

He laid me down on the bed, running his hands through my hair as he kissed me. I undid his shirt, letting it fall open as he pulled my shirt off. I pulled back slightly and looked at him, taking a deep breath.

“Henry, do you want to do this?” I whispered, running my hands through his hair. We had only done this once before, brought on by an aphrodisiac. I didn’t want to make him do something he didn’t want to do.

Henry leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth chastely, tightening his arms around my waist. “I’m a hundred percent sure, Isobel. I was giving you time when you got back, but I wanted you then too.” He whispered in my ear.

I wheezed in relief, smiling against his cheek. “And here I thought you’d rather sleep on burning coals then with me.” I half joked, but I did think he’d rather be with anyone but me. He chuckled softly and kissed my lips again, his hands wandering down to my ass. I gasped softly and pulled him close, sliding my hands down his chest to his waistband. I felt him shiver under my hands; he pulled me closer and kissed me more.

Henry ran his hands down the length of my body, stopping at me jeans and pulled them off. I pulled him close and undid his pants and pushed them down, letting Henry take over from there.

          Hell on Earth

Hattie and Calliope had kept me as a captive against my family, waiting for Elyzabeth to have her baby. I was amazed that Walter found us, but I doubt he could get me to the Underworld or all of us back to Olympus. Hattie made sure my baby was going to come today. How long until it came out, I had no clue.

Walter walked over to me, touching my cheek. I clutched my stomach, looking at the ceiling. I wanted to go back to Henry, to my family. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them, we weren’t in my prison. We were in his study, with Elyzabeth and Henry and Griffin. Henry rushed over to me, leaning over and kissed my forehead.

“Isobel, I am so sorry.” He whispered, touching my stomach. I smiled weakly at him, finding his hand and lacing our fingers together. Emma and Dylan appeared with Hattie and Calliope. I stiffened, not looking at either of them. Moments later, unstoppable pain shot through my body. I gasped and tightened my fingers around Henry’s. Calliope smirked. She was enjoying this, causing me so much pain. Walter grabbed Calliope’s and Hattie’s arms, dragging them out of the room.

Avery rushed over to me, spreading my legs apart. I cried out, Hattie and Calliope using their joint powers to make labor harder for me. Henry kissed my forehead, murmuring something in Greek. I knew he was trying to dull the pain, but it wasn’t gonna work this time. Not with the both of them doing this to me. I cried out again, curling over my stomach. They were trying to kill me, trying to take my baby from me. Henry growled in frustration, looking at Avery.

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