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Melanie Strong, navy bratt, daughter of widowed mother, sister to five older brothers. She's never been quite normal, by society's standards. She's an insomniac, just shy of a wackjob genious, but everyone loves her. She's got two close people to her, Elyse and Carter. She's in love with Carter, her best friend, her everything.

She's also got a secret. Melanie created a pseudonym called Anonymous girl. She rants about her failing love life, school and everything under the sun, but no one knows its her.

(Anonymous II is contunuation)


On June 23, 1996, the youngest of six children was born to Esmeralda and Jonathan Strong. She was eighteen inches long and six and a half pounds. They named her Melanie Olivia Strong; her five older brothers promised they'd take care of her no matter what. Her father was a Marine and her entire life she was moved around, her final home was Rhode Island.

That little girl was me.

When I was five years old I met my best friend for life, Carter Oswald. His parents were both marines and had moved to the base a couple of years after we did. He was a shy boy when we first met in Kindergarten. I vowed to change that when I decided he'd be my best friend for life.

Five years later tragedy struck us; Carter lost his parents the same day I lost my father. Neither of us were the same, I became an insomniac and Carter hardened a little after that day. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I'd never have my father to tuck me in ever again. Carter moved into our small home that already housed my five older brothers, the oldest one who now moved his wife in by the time our father died, and we tried to survive.

As I got older and the medications I had to take because of my insomnia I took less and less of them. With the nights I got only a few hours of sleep each night, I started a vlog in which I called myself Anonymous Girl.

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