One Year

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A couple of weeks later, it was finally August. The start of the new season, and I couldn’t wait to start the shows. I had started pushing myself harder and harder, only taking breaks every couple of hours. I didn’t eat much when I took my breaks, only crackers and water. I’d always feel nauseous afterwards. I just didn’t understand why.

Anyway, Eric and Hunter really hit it off. After that first day, they’re practically inseparable. There wasn’t a day that went by if they weren’t holding hands or in each other’s arms. It got a little awkward sometimes because I’m pretty much attached to Eric’s hip, so to speak. If Hunter stayed over in Eric’s room, the three of us would have movie might, mainly because I refused to have my own room. Eric and Hunter didn’t seem to mind though, they enjoyed my company. We had come up with a routine, the three of us would have a movie night every Friday and/or Wednesday and we’d go out twice a week for either dinner or lunch in the city.

Tobias and I set aside time together each week, mainly on Sunday. That was the only day I didn’t practice, I just relaxed with him around. And it felt nice, really, really nice. We would wake up early and go get pancakes the next block over. Then we would go and walk around, just talking and getting stuff to eat along the way. Sometimes we would go see a movie or we would go home and have a movie night of our own.

And today was our day together.

I normally look forward to these days, but today, I feel like hell. I barely slept the night before and I could hardly move. Thankfully Eric slept in Hunter’s dorm last night or I’d be in the Emergency Room for how much I puked during the night. I looked at the clock, it was six o’clock. Tobias would be by any minute and I could hardly sit up. Oh joy. I heard three knocks on the door and then a pause, waiting for me to answer. I moaned and tried to push myself onto my feet; I only got up on my elbows before feeling like I had to puke again. I collapsed on my stomach and curled into a ball. I heard three more urgent knocks and Tobias say my name.

I lifted my head and moaned; “Tobias,” I was pitiful. Tobias quickly opened the door, coming to my bed as fast as he could. He pushed my hair away from my face as he felt my forehead.

“Ana, what’s wrong? You don’t have a fever.” He murmured. I told him that I had been puking all night and that I barely slept. He pressed his cool lips to my forehead. He said I didn’t have a fever, but I felt hot. “Maybe I should take you to the hospital or something.”

“No,” I practically shouted. I hated hospitals, mainly the needles and the blood. Tobias stood and paced, running his hands through his hair nervously. I watched him as I slowly sat up. He looked at me every so often, unsure what to do.

“Ana, what if you’re pregnant?” He asked, still pacing. I never thought of that. I could’ve been; I didn’t use anything when Nikki and I were with that William guy. I looked at Tobias, chewing on my lip nervously.

“I could be,” I whispered, running my hands through my hair. Honestly, the thought never crossed my mind before. The one time I even had slept with someone, I was sure I wouldn’t get pregnant. My cycle has always been screw, so there was no way, I think. Tobias stopped in his tracks at my words, and the look in his eyes showed pure rage.

“It’s that guy from a couple weeks ago, isn’t it?” He asked calmly. Tobias gave a low growl as he started pacing again. I didn’t want to be pregnant, I didn’t want a responsibility, and I just wanted to keep my childhood while I still could.  Tobias walked over to my bed and knelt in front of me, saying,

“I’m taking you to the hospital, Anya. I’ll help you get dressed, okay?” His voice was soft and soothing, but it didn’t help my nerves. I shook my head vigorously, refusing to go to the hospital. He can just go to the drugstore and buy an over the counter test or two.

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