The Girl Who Signed

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I could hear the rain pounding against the window as I sat on the couch, rubbing my bump. Mrs. Martinelli had graciously let me live with her after my mom threw me out and Landon stopped talking to me. I already knew what Daniel thought of his baby. I just wish he'd change his mind about it. He isn't the only one who's scared, and he isn't trying to raise it alone. Mrs. Martinelli called Daniel every day, hoping he'd pick up once and talked to me. When he stopped picking up, she started lying, hoping that would get him to come over and "fix" something. This time, he picked up and he was going to come over and fix the sink.

Mrs. Martinelli sat next to me, putting my legs over hers as she ran her fingers through my hair. I leaned into her hand, putting on a fake smile. I felt my baby move inside me, making my hands wander down to it. Mrs. Martinelli rested her hand over mine, giving them a gentle squeeze as she kissed my hair softly.

"I've always wanted a daughter," she whispered, wrapping her arms around me. "But I had my twins. And I love them so much. But I've never known what it's like to have a daughter." She murmured. I felt tears prick at my eyes, making me subconsciously wipe my dry eyes. Mrs. Martinelli tightened her arms around me as she rocked me gently. "Maddie, what's the matter?" She murmured, running her slender fingers through my hair. I hiccup a sob as a few silent tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I-I miss Daniel." I whimpered. I was almost four months pregnant, which would make it the middle of January now. I didn't know the sex of my baby, nor did I know if I'd ever hear from Daniel again. He never once called for me or anything. "I need him, but he won't talk to m-me." She sighed and pressed her lips to my forehead.

"He misses you too sweetheart, so very much. Every day he calls me while you're at school, and he tells me that leaving you was his biggest mistake." She murmured. I sighed and nodded as the phone rang.

She reached behind he and picked the answered the phone. "Daniel, where are you," she murmured. "Oh... could you come by tomorrow... what do you mean...oh. I have someone who would like to talk to you... your brother," she lied as she pressed the phone into my hands and stood.

I pressed the receiver to my ear and held my breath as I listened to Daniel's beautiful voice. "Jamie, bro are you there? Answer me James," he said. His voice was deeper than I remembered. I rested my hand on my stomach, fighting back tears.

"Danny," I breathed. My throat was thick with tears. I heard him suck in a breath as a door closed shut.

"Maddie?" He murmured. He didn't say anything for a long moment, possibly choosing his words carefully. "Is there something wrong with mom or Jamie?" He asked softly, his voice husky. He only sounded like that when he was worried.

"They're fine," I whispered as a few tears escaped from my eyes.

"Are you okay," he whispered. I heard him bustling around the room, preparing to leave.

"I'm fine," I choked out, attempting to stop a sob that was waiting to erupt from my throat.

He swallowed, "Is the baby okay?" He asked and something inside me snapped, letting the sob come out, letting myself cry into the phone. Daniel kept calling my name, trying to get my attention.

I took a deep breath, attempting to at least whisper; "Why do you care about my baby?" He groaned into the phone and I heard him punch something.

"I've always cared Maddie. There hasn't been a moment that's gone by that I wasn't thinking about you and the kid. Maddie, I'm-"

I heard a door open in his room and a woman say; "Danny, what's wrong, baby? Are you finally telling your ex to stay away?" I closed my eyes, gripping the phone. Pain ripped through my body when the woman spoke.

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