Elementals II

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Angel dragged me inside after an hour and a half of running around. She sat at the table as I poured her a cup of juice. I took the lunch out of the oven and placed it on the stove top. I felt guilty for what I did to Nat; I didn't want to hurt her.

The baby suddenly wailed like she never wailed before. I ran into the living room and took her off Nat's chest, smelling her diaper. Angel came over with the diaper bag. I changed the baby quickly as I looked at Nat. She had fallen asleep some time ago and slept through the whole ordeal. I sighed and put Natalie in her portable crib before walking over to Nat and covering her in a blanket. She looked so tired like she hadn't slept in days. I sighed as I pressed my lips to her cool forehead, making her stir slightly.

Nat slept through lunch and dinner which worried me. After I helped Mari and Angel clean up, I joined Sam in the living room. Her hand was pressed against Nat's forehead, feeling for a temperature.

"Is she sick?" I asked softly as Sam turned around and picked up the baby.

"She's clammy. Just lay her down on a bed and check on her every few hours. It's probably just a virus." Sam said, kissing my cheek. "I'm going home. Take her back, Ky, she misses you." She took Angels hand and walked out the front door. I crouched down and lifted Nat up bridal style and carried her into the boy's room. I laid her on my bed and covered her up before setting up a make shift bed on the floor. After a few hours, the entire house went to bed and not a mouse was heard until three in the morning. Nat stumbled out of my bed and tripped over me, landing on my chest with a soft thud. She shivered as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Nat, what's wrong?" I whispered, sitting up with her in my lap. She clung to me as I felt her forehead; it was still clammy, but warm instead of cold.

"Don't feel good," she whimpered into my neck. I rubbed her back as I stood and carried her downstairs to the kitchen. I forced Nat to loosen her grip as I set her on the counter and got her Advil to keep the upcoming fever down. I watched her as she slid off the counter and shuffled to the couch. I followed and sat next to Nat, taking her hand in mine as she closed her eyes. I squeezed her hand as I whispered;

"Are you mad at me?" She didn't answer me, she just stayed silent. I pulled Nat close to me and took her face in my hands. "I love you, Natalie, I always have." I whispered, pressing my lips to hers. She pulled back almost immediately and grabbed the remote, letting the television illuminate the dark room.

"I don't get you, Ky." She said quietly. "You say that you want me out of your life, but your acting like I never left." A few tears slid down her cheeks as she spoke and she angrily wiped them away.

"I went through three years of hell in the rehab center. Every week I called the house and I would talk to Mari and Sam, and whenever I asked for you and they would tell me some lie. And the last time I ever asked for you, Sam felt so sorry she told me the truth; you never wanted to talk to me ever again. I cried for weeks after that day because I knew I couldn't move on." She said shakily. I ran my hands over my face as she sat there and watched me while tears continuously streaked down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Nat. I was having a hard time with losing you." I said quietly.

"I don't care, Kyden. I waited three years for you to come and get me from that hell hole. I convinced myself that staying was my only option to get better." She said harshly. I pulled her into my lap and kissed her full on the lips, trapping Nat to my chest. She struggled against me, hitting my chest with her delicate hands. "Leave me alone," She begged; the salt from her tears pungent on my lips.

"Natalie, shut up and take me back. I'll get on my knees and beg if you want me to, just take me back." I said, pulling back enough to look her in the eyes. I set her on the couch and knelt in front of her, taking her slender fingers in mine. "I need you, Natalie, I said those things out of anger." I pressed my lips to her fingers as a silent plea.

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