One Year

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We left in the day after my wonderful encounter. We flew to California; our first show would be in a week and we barely had enough time to rehearse. We’d be there for a while, almost a month in fact. Anton had cut half of my dances and gave the other half to Aunt Sofiya. Eric and I shared a hotel room, mainly because I didn’t want to share one with Tobias. Tobias and I hadn’t talked at all since that day. We only saw each other during practices and dinner; otherwise I was in my room or with Eric. I couldn’t face him yet; no I didn’t want to face him yet. Nikki had guys falling over her from left and right, and I guessed I overestimated his willpower. But if he was happy with her right now, so was I. Our first show was in Los Angeles and tonight. It was all tap, so I could do most of the dances. I’d be really excited except for the fact that I had morning sickness all day. It was driving Anton crazy. He thought that we should cancel the show.

“Anton, don’t. I’ll be fine in an hour or so. Aunt Sofiya can take the first part of the show, I’ll take the second.” I muttered into the toilet bowl. Eric rubbed my back as Anton swore in five different languages. Everybody else was outside the bathroom, most likely worrying about me.

“Ana… maybe you should take it easy.” Anton murmured, scratching his neck. I shook my head, sitting back on my heals and holding my stomach.

“No. I’m dancing, Anton. End of story.” I said. He sighed, finally giving in.

“Fine, but until your half, you are resting. No moving, no nothing.” He said firmly. I sighed and nodded, allowing myself temporary defeat. I got up and found a chair near the entry to the stage. I sat down and quickly fell asleep. Eric woke me up about an hour and a half later, rushing me to Max for my first costume. He helped me in and rushed me to the stage for my first number. It was just me and Tobias out there for our dance. I put on a smile and walked out to my spot on the stage. I started the dance, pretending to be a shy, timid young girl. Tobias played a tough, macho guy who bumped into me. The dance went on as scheduled, every move done with perfection. At the end of the dance, I was in his arms, our faces near each other like we were going to kiss. We held this position until the curtain fell; I pushed out of his arms and walked off stage. Eric came up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“How are you feeling?” He murmured, leading me over to Max again. He gave me a new costume and took the old one after I changed.

“Not nauseas,” I said, looking at Eric. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

“Only two more dances and the show will be done.” He said in my ear. I nodded and walked to the stage entrance. Anton and Aunt Sofiya were out there, dancing a duet that was in the Nutcracker. Once it ended, we carried on with the tap show.

Our first dance we did was an older tap dance. Lee, Juan and I danced that one. It started slow and ended fast. I ran back stage and quickly threw on a jacket over my leotard and shorts. The entire crew, including Max, came out onto the stage and did our final dance of the evening. We left quickly, wanting to start our annual after-the-show dinner. Eric, Lee, Tobias and I shared a taxi while everyone else got into the van we were renting. I sat between Eric and Lee, forcing Tobias to sit next to the taxi driver. We told the driver to follow the red van to the restaurant. The driver did as was asked, getting us to the restaurant at the same time as everyone else. We got out and went in, getting a little bit of everything at a large table. Anton gave everyone his beginning-of-the-season speech, making us all wait to eat. Aunt Sofiya but in half way through, reminding Anton that we had a baby on board and cut his speech off there. I was the first to dig in, leaving everyone in shock at how much I ate. I just pointed to my stomach and kept eating. By the time I finished, I was leaning on Eric, my head resting on his shoulder for support. Anton paid the bill, like always, and got everyone except Lee, Eric, Tobias and me, into the van. Eric carried me out to the curb, I was barely lucid. I only heard the slightest of mumbles.

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