When we weren't at the academy, we were on tour; which was about nine months out of the year. We dance all around the country, dancing everything; from ballet to jazz to tap, hip-hop and Irish dancing. Anton and Aunt Sofiya would drive us all in a van when we weren't flying to each destination. Right now, we're living at the academy; it's our off season.

Eric and I spent the majority of our time in the dance studio, either teaching a class or just spending quality time together. I was worried about him a lot, he was the only one of my 'brothers' who hasn't fallen in love yet and he won't talk to any guys yet. Luckily I have 92 days to find him a boyfriend.

And so our tale begins.


My first morning off in nine months, I slept in. I didn't really have to go to my morning classes since it was dance; so I skipped them. Until Eric scared me out of bed around nine and pulled me down to the dance studio. I grumbled as I pulled my sweatpants and tee-shirt off, leaving my leotard on. I stretched quickly and started warming up with ballet moves. I could see Eric watching me, his arms crossed over his chest, no expression visible on his face.

I turned slightly and looked at him, a smile playing faintly on my lips. "Eric, you should warm up. We can't get stiff before the season starts again." I said, doing a plié. He walked over to me, smiling wide.

"Sofiya and Anton are bringing a new guy to the company, Ana." He murmured, resting his hands on my shoulders. I raised an eyebrow and stopped dancing.

"So, what's so special about this guy?" I asked, wondering if this was the guy for Eric.

"Well, besides working with one of the best dancers in the world, he's not gay, sweetie." He said softly. I stopped dancing and stared at him. They were doing this on purpose now. I told them before I didn't want a boyfriend; that I didn't want to date yet.

"No, if that's the only reason he's here, he can just leave." I said. I went back to the bar and gripped it. I didn't want Aunt Sofiya and Anton and everybody else to deicide my future, I wanted to decide my future. And I certainly didn't want this new person to be forced into something he didn't want.

"Ana, just meet him, please? For me," he asked. I sighed and nodded, turning around and looking at him. I asked Eric when he would be coming. "This afternoon," He murmured as he looked at me. I nodded, racking what I would do in my mind.

"Let's dance, Eric." I murmured, smiling at him as I stretched my hand out to him. He took it and we started dancing. We started with ballet and quickly turned it into tap. I grinned as I pulled out moves he hadn't done in years, but he quickly caught on and out danced me, leaving me breathless on the floor. He flung himself on the floor next to me and poked my side. I grinned and scooted over, resting my head on his chest.

"You look just like your mother, Ana." He murmured. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. I honestly didn't remember my mother well; everyone else did because they had her longer than I did.

"Tell me what she was like," I whispered, looking up at him. He nodded and started to tell me about the company's first Christmas together, regaling me on what a mess the two of us made as toddlers. I closed my eyes as I listened, trying to remember that day. I didn't remember it.

Moments later Anton cleared his throat and we jumped to our feet. "Ana, Eric would one of you like to give Tobias a tour?" He asked; his hand on the shoulder of a boy about my age.

"I will, Anton." I said, walking over to the two. I introduced myself to the boy and shook his hand. He shook it back and told me his name was Tobias Mallock. "Let's go," I murmured, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the hallway. I explained to him where we slept, since we weren't full time students; we got the rooms closest to the dance studio; easier access for us and less confusion for everyone else. I showed him the cafeteria, the pool and the theater. He didn't talk much, so that was okay with me.

When we reached the dance studio, it was empty. I stepped inside and waited for him to join me. Once he was in, I got a good look at him. And damn, this boy is fine. I went over to the bar and leaned against it, leaving him in the middle of the room.

"Show me what you got," I murmured, watching him. He smiled and nodded, kicking his shoes off and his shirt, revealing his yummy six pack abs. If I wasn't raised by fifteen really hot guys; I'd totally be a drooling fangirl right now. He turned away from me for a moment and ran his hands through his hair. Then almost immediately he jumped into a jazz routine. After a few moments of watching his amazing moves; I jumped in, stunning him for a moment before he started improvising.

Tobias twirled me around the room, quickly turning the jazz into ballroom dancing. I was forced to look into his eyes, but at the moment, I didn't care; he was beautiful. He moved like nothing I had ever seen, his touch was softer than feathers. When we had finished dancing, I patted his chest and went back to the bar and leaned against it.

"That was amazing," He murmured and I nodded. He looked at me and I subconsciously ran a hand through my hair. "I've always dreamed of being in this company. Especially having the added benefit of working with one of the most beautiful girls in the business," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. I stiffened and looked at my feet, then Tobias.

"I'm sorry, Tobias. You seem like a really great guy, but I—we can't have any other relationship but a friendship, okay?" I said, laying down the ground rules. I mean, I'd date him if he wasn't in the company, or if he was some guy that wasn't here for my benefit. "Please understand?" I asked softly.

He looked at me and smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He murmured.

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