Harry 22

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        When I got home from my outing with Liam, I walk to my room where I see a note on my bedroom door . It read, "Harry, I know you probably don't care, but I went out for a walk to Louis' house. Be back whenever. -Marcel"  I sigh and pull the note off and bring it into my room. I set it down on my bedside table and it down on my bed. I really should have invited Marcel. But, it's just that we don't really talk to each other anymore. I guess that's kind of my fault. I should have told him what Edward did when he did it. But, I didn't want to break his heart. I fall back onto my bed and close my eyes. I had them closed for a couple of minutes when I heard the door slam shut. I hear Marcel talking, but he's too quiet to hear properly. I get up and tiptoe to my door and put an ear to it. I hear his voice faintly saying, '...keep you foot up...careful....you need to...before you....more' I hear someone grunt quietly. I open my door as quietly as I can and walk over to the corner of the hallway. I don't look around for fear that someone will see.

        "Be careful, dumb butt. Now put your foot on the coffee table." Marcel says to our guest who is still unknown to me. I hear the unknown guest suck his teeth in pain. I walk back to my room, but don't go in. Instead, I stand in front of it and start walking back to where I was standing, making enough noise for Marcel to know that I'm home already. I turn the corner I was originally standing behind. I stop in my tracks, stunned to see who was in our living room. Why is he here?


        "Why are you here?!" I ask Edward for what seemed like the thirteenth time. I couldn't help it. He can't just come in like he owns the place. Because he doesn't own it. Hasn't for five months. But, if i'm being honest, I've really missed him. Like, a lot. But I wasn't about to admit that.

        "I was in the park helping Louis find Marcel. I gave up and climbed a tree and stayed up there. Then I heard Marcel below the tree, crying. I leaned over to look at him, then I leaned back to lay on the trunk. I missed it and fell, landing wrong." Well, that answers my unspoken question.

        "That doesn't answer my question." I say irritably. He sighs.

        "Then, Marcel took me to the hospital and the doctor said that he had to take care of me. So he brought me here." he says quietly. I instantly felt bad for snapping at him. I didn't know Marcel brought him here to be taken care of.

        "Oh... Sorry. I didn't know. My, my bad." I say, looking down. I hear him sigh. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see him standing and trying to look in my eyes.

        "Haz, It's fine. We didn't tell you, so how could you know?" He says, using my nickname. I smile, knowing that he knows I always feel better when people call me any of my nicknames.

        "Okay. I really am sorry, thou-" I barely got to finish because Edward cut me off.

        "Dude! Stop apologizing!" He says, laughing a little. Making him laugh is the best thing I could ever do. It made me feel even better than hearing my nickname. Getting him to laugh is- was the hardest thing on Earth! But, I've noticed different things ever since he moved out. Like how he dresses. How he talks. And most importantly, the way he acts. He doesn't wear black anymore. He still wears dark colors, just no black. Not even a stitch of it. He doesn't act like Mr. BigShot anymore. He's kind and doesn't act like he doesn't care for anything. I kinda like it. It'll take me awhile to get used to it, but I've missed him so much that I don't care how he acted then and how he acts now.

        "Alright. Do you want anything?" I ask. He nods and sits back down. I nod and look at him. He looks around then finally looks at me, probably wondering what I'm still doing standing there.

        "What? I thought you were getting me something?" I look at him like he's lost his mind.

        "You never told me what you wanted." I say, smiling a little. His forms his lips into an 'O' shape and smiles back.

        "Right. Um, can I just have some orange juice?" I nod and walk into the kitchen to get his juice when I see Marcel in there on his laptop. I walk up slowly to him.

        "Uh, Marcel?" I ask kinda quiet. He looks up at me with a bored expression.

        "What do you want?" He says with a bit of venom in each word. I don't blame him. I haven't been a good brother to him for the last five months. It's my fault he turned into this cold, hard, empty shell. So I deserve the way he's talking to me.

        "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know I haven't been a good brother, but if you can forgive me, which I understand if you don't, I promise to be a better brother. I will always take you with me when I go out with my- our friends. Just please, please, please forgive me." I say, surprised I'm not on my knees. Although I am bending a little as if I'm about to get on them. Marcel's face softens a little. But as fast as it was there, it was gone.

        "I don't know Harry. I... I need some time to think about it." I nod, stepping back a little to get Edward's juice. I take one more look at Marcel, who was looking back at me with very little interest, and look back down and walk out of the kitchen when I heard Marcel say, "Don't baby him too much." Even though I know he's not looking at me anymore, I nod. I walk over to Edward and hand him his juice.

        "Thanks, Haz."

        "Don't think just 'cause you're crippled that I will do everything for you. You're going to have to do stuff for yourself." I say.

        "Of course. I don't live here anymore, so I will do whatever you say." I was taken aback. I was kind of hoping for a snappy comeback, but the way he's acting, I will have to get used to it. I nod and sit down and turn on the television. I put on one of our favorite T.V. shows and get settled beside him. After a couple of minutes, Marcel comes out of the kitchen. Ed and I look up at him.

        "Marcel, do you want to sit and watch this with us?" I ask. He nods and sits down in the recliner furthest from us. I sigh and turn up the volume.


        "Hey, Ed. If you need anything, just ask. I only said what I said about not taking advantage of being crippled because Marcel said to. But if you do take advantage, I will stop doing things for you altogether. Got it?" I say, helping him into bed. He nods. When he's settled, I turn to his bedside table and grab his pills and the glass of water and give it to him. He takes it from my hand and gulps it down. When he's done with the water, I take the glass.

        "Good night, Haz. Thank you." Edward says before drifting off to sleep. I felt a ghost of a smile playing on my lips as I cover him all the way up.

        I rub his shoulder gently and check his leg, making sure it's sitting OK and walk to the door. I turn one last time to look at him and say, "Good night, brother." I turn the lights off and close the door gently.



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