Harry 2

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         "Haz?" I hear from the passengers seat. I turn to look at Marcel. 

         "Yeah?" I ask. 

        "How-how did you get so popular so fast? I mean, it's only the first month of school." He asks kind of hesitantly. 

        "Oh, well, I don't know. I guess I just, um, I really don't know, Marc. But, it's better not to question fate, right?" I ask quickly glancing at him to see his answer. He nods and looks out the window. I sigh quietly and look back to the road. I get an idea. 

        "Hey, wanna skip school to go out and get some ice cream and go other places?" I ask super excitedly. 

        "Harry, as exciting as that sounds, I- WE have tests today in three classes that I'm sure we can't miss." he said in a matter-of-fact voice which he uses alot. I sigh again. 

        "Alright, how about we ditch the last class and do whatever we want?"

        "That I could do. Okay, Haz, let's do it." He says, and I could practically hear the smile in his voice.


        "Harry, what are you doing after school?" Liam asks. 

        "Oh, I'm taking Marc out for ice cream and doing anything else we want to. Why?" 

        "Because we are gonna go practice dancing at my studio!" Leeroy yells.

        "No, I'm gonna go watch you and I'm only going because I'm your ride." Liam says annoyed. 

        "Oh..." Leeroy says, looking surprised. I smile. Leeroy can be kind of an airhead sometimes. I get a text and I look at it. It's Edward.

        ~Edward Harry~ 

        What are you doing? You left me at the house! I had to walk!!  

        Im fuddling my drink at lunch. And I know I left you at the house. I meant to do that. 


        cuz you were mean to Marcel and made him sad 

        So that means you leave me to walk thirty minutes to school when theres twenty-five minutes left to get to class 

        Ummm yeah? Oh! Marcel and I won't be home after school. We r going out. 



        "Well, one more period to go and then we are out!" I say when Marcel comes to the table.

        "Don't you mean two more periods?" Liam asks.

        "No, just one for Marcel and I. We are ditching last period to go get the ice cream and everything else I told you about."

        "Oh. Okay. Have fun." He says.

        "Thanks. You have fun watching boys in tights and leotards." I say, stifling a laugh, imagining Liam watching his twin brother and other random boys in tight tights and too-small leotards.

        "Shut up, Haz." Liam says. That gets me to burst out laughing. It's just too funny.

        "There is nothing wrong with wanting to do the shimee and the splits with 1 and 2 and 3..." Leeroy said while going into his dance routine.

        "Alright, well, bye guys!" Marcel says.

        "C'mon. Let's get to class." I say and started walking towards class.

        "Actually, I need to stop by my locker to get something. I'll be right there." Marcel says. I nod, showing him I heard. I get to class and told the teacher that Marcel might be a little late because he had to go to his locker. Mr. Weisner nodded. About three minutes after the bell, Marcel come in the room with a bloody nose and a scratch on his arm.

        "Marcel, what happened?" I ask, getting up and going over to inspect him. He flinched when I touched the scratch.

        "Oh, my gosh. Mr. Weisner I'm taking him to the nurse." I say and don't even wait for an answer. I bolt out of the room with Marcel in tow. 

        "Harry, my arm." I hear beside me when we slowed to a walk. I loosened my grip on his arm. 

        "What happened?" I ask. 

        "A door hit my nose when I was walking past it and something sharp was, uh, jutting out of a locker and cut my arm." he says. I sigh. 

        "Marc, you have to be more careful, love," he nods. "Now, how about after I take you to the nurse, we go for that ice cream and other stuff?" 

        "Alright. That sounds good." He says smiling a bit.  


        "How did this happen, sweetie?" the nurse asks Marcel. 

        "Well, while I was walking, a door, it opened and knocked me in the face and that's how I got this bloody nose. My arm got cut by something sharp jutting out of a locker while I was... walking past it." Marcel said the last part quietly. 

        "Okay, well keep that rag on your nose until it stops bleeding. Um, keep that cut clean. So, wash it about every two hours and you should be fine." She says. 

        "Alright thanks, button." Marcel says. I smile. 

        "I'm sorry. Button?" the nurse asks. I chuckle. 

        "It's his nickname for everybody he likes and can talk to." I explain to her. Her mouth forms an 'O' and smiles. 

        "Okay, then. Well, be more careful with where you're walking." Marcel nods and waves good-bye to the nurse and walks out. I wave to her and walk out to catch up with him. 

        "You ready to go get that ice cream?" I ask. Marcel nods vigorously and we walk to the car and get in and drive off.


I might update later today in Marcel's P.O.V to explain what actually happened.


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