Marcel 18

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         The next day, we packed up everything and left the park. I asked Niall and Harry to come with me when I go get my tattoo. Harry said he couldn't; that he had to do something important. Niall said he will.

        "So, what kind of tattoo are you getting?" Niall asks.

        "Two sparrows."

        "Why two?"

        "Well, one sparrow symbolizes undying love. So, I'm getting two because I love my brothers."

        "And not me?!" Niall asks dramatically, putting a hand to his heart as if he's been shot. "I am hurt."

        "Don't worry, drama queen. When I'm mad at Edward, his bird can be yours." I say. He smiles.

        "Don't call me a drama queen. And what about Georgia?"

        "Harry's is also gonna be hers. 'Cause the full meaning of one sparrow is undying love for your partner."

        "Ok, I get it. That's real sweet Styles." Niall says, using my last name. Whenever he does that, I know he means what he had said.

        "Can I ask you a favor?"

        "Depends on what the favor is."

        "Can you draw two sparrows facing each other?" I ask. Niall can draw amazingly. That's why I asked him and not anyone else. He nods.

        "I need a pencil and some paper and some apple juice." I laugh at his ridiculous request for apple juice, but get up anyway to get it.

        "Here you go... drama queen." I whisper the last part so he doesn't hear me. I get him the paper and pencil. He waves me away.

        "I need to do this alone. Be gone, Button!" I gasp exaggeratedly.

        "How dare you use my nickname for everybody!" I say in a deep voice. Unfortunately, my voice cracked on 'for'. Niall looks at me as if I just said the most terrible cuss word in the entire universe, then falls to the floor and starts laughing hysterically. I roll my eyes at him.

        "Haha. Laugh all you want." I start walking away, all part of my plan. "And to think I was gonna pay you ten pounds." I say to myself, but just loud enough for him to hear. Niall's laughter stops abruptly. I turn to look at him, a small smile on my face. I see him sitting up and looking at me, surprised.

        "Really?! Ten pounds?" He asks. I nod. I've got that much. I'll be fine.

        "Yeah, but you gotta start drawing and stop laughing." He nods excitedly and get started on the drawing. He stops just as the pencil hits the paper and turns to face me.

        "I really can't draw with people watching me. Can you please go to another room or sit over there on the couch?" I sigh and nod, walking over to the couch. I sit and look at what was on the side table.

        "Let's see," I whisper to myself. "a glass of water from three days ago, phone book, a lamp, and a book called Oliver Twist." I shrug, pick up the book and start to read it. I get to the part where Oliver says, "Please, sir, could I have some more?" when Niall sat on my legs. I had them on top of each other and to the side while I was reading. I gasp and throw the book, losing my place.

        "NIALL! Get your HUGE butt off me!" I yell and push him off. He falls to the floor.

        "Did you just butt fat?" He asks, sniffling. I raise a brow and decide to play along.

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