I heard Eric say something to Lee and Tobias and Eric transferring me into a new set of arms. I moaned and curled into a warm chest. “Shh,” they whispered, kissing my hair softly. I curled my fingers in their shirt and fell asleep.

I woke a couple of hours later, morning sickness launching me from the nice covers. I ran into the bathroom and puked into the toilet bowl. Heavy footsteps followed me in and pulled my hair back from my face. I held my stomach with one hand and the toilet bowl with the other. I felt like crying because I felt so weak, and I couldn’t stop this kid from making me puke and puke and puke. I pulled back from the bowl and pressed my face into my hands and cried, the sound muffled by my hands. Two, strong, familiar arms wrapped around me and cradled me against their chest.

“Shh, Ana; it’ll be okay,” He whispered. Tobias. I pushed away from him, my back pressed against the tub.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?” I screeched. He ran his hands over his face, he looked older and yet young at the same time.

“You’re in my room. Eric picked Hunter up from the airport about…” He looked at his phone quickly. “Five hours ago. And my guess is they’re just starting to fall asleep.” He mumbled. I ran my hands through my hair as I thought. Did Eric do this on purpose? Did Lee do this on purpose?

“Where are you sleeping?” I asked.

“On the floor,” He mumbled, getting to his feet and helping me up. We shuffled back into the bedroom and I sat on the bed. Tobias stood over me, stifling a yawn. “Get some sleep,” he said, lowering himself onto the ground.

“What are you doing?” I asked, not ready to sleep yet.

“Falling back to sleep,” He muttered.

“No, we need to talk.” I said; sitting with my legs crossed.

“We do,” He agreed, “We can talk in the morning.”

“No, we’re going to talk now,” I said.

“No,” He mumbled.

“Tobias, we are going to talk now!” I said, getting angry. Tobias got up and looked at me through drowsy eyes.

“What do you want me to say, Ana?” He asked; his voice steely and cold. I looked at my lap; I didn’t know what to do.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled, running a hand through my hair. He sighed and moved closer to me.

“Ana, look at me, please.” He said softly. I looked up from my lap and he was kneeling in front of me. “I didn’t kiss her, hon, she kissed me. She told me some screwy story about you gave her the go ahead to date me or something.” He took my hand in both of his. My heart started beating faster when he touched me. It always did, and I normally didn’t mind it. But I minded it today, I didn’t want this feeling. I felt betrayed by the owner of the hands, and therefore I didn’t want him touching me.

I pulled my hand back and folded them both over my flat belly. “You don’t know Nikki like I do,” I said softly. “Guys—Guys fall for her at first sight. And I thought you, of all people, wouldn’t fall for her. You would be able to resist her kiss, but I was wrong.” I whispered. Tobias opened and closed his mouth several times, unsure what to say. He finally pressed his lips into a thin line and closed his eyes, worlds failing him at the moment.

“I—I love you, Tobias.” I murmured. He chuckled humorlessly. I didn’t mean I-love-you-like-a-friend-or-a-brother love I meant I-love-you-like-something-more-than-that love. But he didn’t know that, he thought I was pulling on his leg or something.

“Yeah, Ana, I’m sure you do.” He said, lowering himself onto his makeshift bed. I got off the bed and lay next to him, making sure he could see my face. He looked at me and scowled. “Get back on the bed,” He growled. “I mean it.”

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