Chapter 16: Back To The Reverse

Start from the beginning

"You –" you started but your voice cut off again.

"It's very rude to interrupt somebody while they're trying to speak," Bill reprimanded. "Not that it matters. Pine Tree is going to open that portal in 3... 2... 1..."

"Guys! I've stabilized the portal!" Dipper's voice rang through the lab and you instinctively cringed, waiting for the pain.

"Don't be ridiculous," Bill told you. "Listening to Ford is always a bad idea. Why would I want to keep you out of the Reverse Falls? I have big plans and lucky you! You're involved!"

Mabel hopped out of the twirling seat and started to race upstairs. "I'll go call Will!" she shouted over her shoulder.

Ford looked at you curiously. "How do you feel?"

"Fine," you answered in a chirpy voice. You couldn't answer anything else. Your body wasn't responding at all anymore. It stood without warning, causing a dizzy spiral of note. "How does it look? I hope everything hasn't been destroyed."

Ford watched you as if he was expecting you to collapse at any given moment. "I'm a little worried about this tattoo thing currently. If it wasn't because of the portal opening, why did you collapse? Bill – "

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," you said quickly. "Probably just a coincidence."

"And something that was needed," Bill continued but this time, he spoke only in your mind. "If I didn't show you what I can do to you from just the slightest thought, you wouldn't know that type of pain. It wouldn't be such a threat anymore."

You wanted desperately to tell him that he wasn't intimidating you with the threat. You wanted to bluff or lie about how the pain wasn't bad enough to make you fear him. It was a little hard to lie to somebody who was in your head though.

Bill forced you to stand up, taking away any control you had once had over your body. "We need to hurry," he said in your voice. "The longer we wait, the more powerful Bill gets. You guys are going to come with me and help me get rid of him, right?"

You tried desperately to warn Ford in some way about whatever trap was being set up but it was to no avail.

"Of course," Ford agreed. "Give me a few minutes to pack some equipment." He was still suspicious but Bill's logic seemed to have momentarily distracted him.

"The perks of being inside somebody's head," Bill cooed. "You learn everything about them."

Cringing at the implication in his voice, you refocused your attempts on regaining control over your body. You were distracted by an aching pain that shot through your spine. Bill had warned you about what he could do. Looking towards your own self-preservation, you stopped fighting.

When Will entered the room, Bill forced you to look away from him and avoid any eye contact. You could see the confusion in Will's expression but there wasn't anything you could do to help that.

Mabel came racing over to you, holding a gun in her hands. She held it out. "Do you know how to shoot one?" she asked.

"Yes," Bill responded with ease, taking the weapon from her. That wasn't true. You had no idea how to use a weapon in a combat situation. He looked down at it curiously. "What use is this going to be against a demon?"

"Ford made them," Mabel told you excitedly, gesturing to the one sitting in the holster on her hip. "They're specially designed so that they can hurt only dream demons. They won't even affect humans in the slightest."

Bill grinned and for a second, suspicion flashed in Mabel's eyes. Bill noticed and was quick to clarify, "At least there's little chance of me accidently hurting anybody. I would hate that."

Mabel smiled broadly then. You desperately tried to call out to her, to tell her that the creature she was speaking to wasn't you. It didn't help.

"Do you have any sunglasses?" Bill asked. "Last time I saw Bill, he nearly blinded me with his magic. If I'm going to need to aim properly, I need my eyesight perfect."

"Yep!" Mabel said and she raced upstairs to go and get some.

Bill scrutinized your face in the reflective metal of Ford's lab desk. He grinned manically and reached up to rub your eyes a little. "She had better hurry," he mused. "I can't keep up such a façade properly from so far away."

Will – who had been standing in a corner somewhere on the right – let out a small hiss of pain, causing you to instinctively want to look towards him. Bill stopped you from following through with it. "Don't worry your pretty little mind with that," he hissed at you within your mind. "He's just experiencing those lovely bonds take control of him again. Weak demons tend to get themselves into situations like this."

You wanted to snap at Bill about that but before you did, the memories of not being able to use your leg came flooding back and you bit your tongue.

"Clever mortal," Bill mused. "You learn quickly."

"Are we ready to go?" Dipper called from the other room. The room where the portal to your world was. The way back to your home... and yet you wanted nothing more than to destroy it and remain where you were currently.

"Just waiting for Mabel," Bill answered for you.

Mabel came downstairs soon enough, holding out the sunglasses to you and putting on her own pair. The moment you put them on, what you saw before you warped. Everything still looked the same but it was different. You could see weird, glowing outlines around people and when you look down, you saw nothing but darkness obscuring your body.

"Souls are interesting things to view, aren't they?" Bill asked. "Look at how bright Shooting Star's is and then look back down at yours. Corrupted."

Dread settled over you but it had no effect on Bill as stated loudly. "Let's not bide our time much longer. We don't have eternity to waste."

Reverse!Bill Cipher (Will Cipher) ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now