Chapter 9: Of Course There's A Catch

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The gem was one of the strangest things you had ever seen. Glowing yellow and in the form of a perfect triangle. Bill had summoned it out of thin air after he was done drawing a strange zodiac on the ground. He claimed that it was both a thank you present and a way that you could contact him if you needed to. You weren't quite sure how that worked and he hadn't been in an explaining mood.

Running your fingers over the face, you pondered what you should do with it. A small part of your mind wanted you to use it as some form of jewelry but which jeweler could you take it to without the twins learning about it. Definitely not the one in Gravity Falls.

Sighing, you tapped your nail against it, mind going back to the strange sensation you had felt when you returned to your body after Bill was done. A small tingling that you felt if you held the gem for too long.

Three soft knocks brought you out of the thoughts you were in. "Yes Will?" you asked. Out of the three people in the house, he was the only one that ever actually knocked. Mabel tended to just let herself in and Dipper... he mainly avoided your room.

The door opened as you slid the gem into your pocket. Will looked shaken as he stepped into your room. "I thought you might like to know that Waddles isn't going to be around the mansion for the rest of the afternoon," he told you. "Perhaps you would like to take of advantage of that."

"That's great!" you exclaimed. "I think I'm going to finally be able to swim. Finally, I can take advantage of that huge pool!"

Will nodded and offered you a small smile. "It occurred to me when Mabel said they were going to the park. Dipper is still here but I don't think he'll come out of his room so you shouldn't have any problems."

Speaking of Dipper... You were beginning to grow more suspicious of him by the day and you were starting to wonder how to get answers. "Will?" you asked. "I wanted to ask you about something that I heard the other day. Pacifica said that Dipper has a spell on the town. Is that true or is it just a rumor that I shouldn't listen to?"

Will's entire body tensed and from that alone, you had your answer. He glanced around nervously before stepping into the room a little more and closing the door. He hesitated before saying, "You shouldn't talk about Pacifica or anything like that when the Gleefuls are around."

"So it's true then?" you concluded. "She said that Dipper ordered you to place the spell and that it couldn't touch the Mystery Shack or go past the town borders."

On instinct, Will flinched when you mentioned the borders. "The force field around Gravity Falls is the main reason why my powers can't stretch across the entire dimension," he explained. "It's a problem that Dipper's looking into fixing but you can't let them know you've heard about this stuff. There's no telling what Mabel would do to you. She's got a sadistic streak that can come out at any moment."

"Funnily enough, I realized that," you told him. "I've seen those cuts that Dipper has sometimes and I assume they're from her. I don't want to make trouble, I just want to know what all this stuff means. The amulets, the zodiac, the –"

"The zodiac?" Will asked. It was the first time you had ever seen him interrupt somebody and he flinched. "I'm sorry but how do you know about the zodiac? Dipper keeps the room tightly locked at all times."

You froze. "There's a zodiac in this house?" you asked. "Like the one with the triangle in the middle and all the little symbols around it?" At the mention of the zodiac, it felt like the gem in your pocket actually got hotter. The tingling sensation slowly becoming burning.

Will looked confused. "The one in the mansion is the only one in the town," he said, his voice dropping to little more than a whisper. "Is there another one?"

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