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When you had first visited your Aunt and Uncle's house all those years ago and been introduced to Mabel, she had told you that one day, she was going to end up becoming the Queen of the World because then everybody would have to do exactly what she said. It had never been something you put much thought into, despite the reason being slightly creepy. It was kind of... generic.

In the short time span that you had been spending with the Pines Twins, you were beginning to think the idea hadn't changed throughout her life and that it was a little more serious than just being a small fantasy.

"It was so funny," Mabel told you with a giggle as she twirled a knife between her fingers. She didn't seem to notice or care that the blood it was drawing was getting on the table. "They were both so desperate! They did whatever I told them without a single question!"

"Sounds like you have really dedicated fans," you commented. Your gaze was focused on the breakfast in front of you as you tried to ignore the blood.

Mabel gave a satisfied sigh and smiled. "I do," she cooed. "They're far better than Dipper's fans and there are more of them. You're more my fan than Dipper's though, right?" she asked in a tone that dared you to test her.

There was only one right answer you could give. "Of course," you reassured her. "You're far better at your illusions than he is and you're prettier."

Mabel grinned smugly at you. "None of it's an illusion," she told you in a sing-song voice.

"Oh right, you have Will," you said, the dream demon's abilities were clearly put to use in the shows so you didn't think she would be upset by the statement. You were wrong.

"No!" Mabel snapped fiercely. "That's exactly Dipper's problem! He relies so much on that ridiculously weak creature that he completely negates his amulet. He keeps claiming that if he pushes Will enough, he'll reveal his true powers." Mabel scoffed. "If you ask me, he's already using all his powers. We just ended up grabbing the worse demon in existence."

The mention of something you were unfamiliar with made you look up. Swallowing your mouthful, you asked, "Amulet?"

Mabel grinned at you in a way that sent shivers down you spine. She tapped the gem on her headband with the tip of the knife, causing it to glow slightly. "We found the pair of these directly after Dipper grabbed that journal when we first arrived here. If it wasn't for that, this town would still be completely unworthy of anybody's time. They're what allowed us to get a hold on that excuse for a cosmic being."

If you stared at the blue gem, you began to notice that it appeared to swirl with some kind of energy. "Besides demon trapping and helping with magic shows, what else can they do?" you asked.

"All kinds of things," Mabel explained in that creepy sing-song voice that she used whenever she wanted to creep you out.

"And the one that Dipper has around his neck?" you asked quickly, trying to change the topic and pry a little more information from her without seeming obvious about it. "Is it the same as yours?"

"They're two halves that were once a whole," Mabel said, leaning back in her chair so that it was precariously balancing on two legs. "They need to be in the same area as each other to be able to use their true potential."

You pulled your gaze away from the amulet to finally meet her eyes. "That must be frustrating. Having to be close to Dipper at all times for it to work."

"It has quite a wide range, so it's not that bad," she said. Her grin started to grow suspiciously. "Would you like to see what it can do even with Dipper being on the other side of the house?"

You were immediately torn between your intuition that was warning you about possible danger and your curiosity which ordered you to accept the double-edged offer. "Will it damage anything?"

"Nothing inanimate," Mabel promised, that sinister look starting to appear in her expression. "All people react differently to the thing's powers. I have no idea what's going to happen to you but isn't that part of the fun?!"

Your appetite disappeared rapidly after that moment. "Maybe not –"

Before you could finish, the gem began to glow brighter than before, eerily shining in the kitchen's lighting. The air felt like it had become heavier and the hairs on the back of your neck were standing up. The more cautious side of you want telling you to bolt and run away from whatever danger was in front of you.

You chose to ignore that.

The items in the kitchen began to rattle like crazy, the air around them – and Mabel – shimmered. You were still in mild shock when the air around her began to form into the shapes of several items.

And then it all stopped.

At first Mabel looked around with her eyes narrowed in confusion. She reached up and flicked the gem a few times before her expression turned into a scowl. She fixed you with a harsh glare and a silent implication that you were at fault.

"I'm guessing that's not what's meant to happen?" you questioned. Part of you wanted to defend yourself over the unspoken accusation but you didn't want to rile her up any more than she already was and risk getting on her bad side.

Thankfully, she seemed less interested in you after you spoke and her expression returned to a more neutral one. She shoved herself away from the table, flicked her hair over her shoulder and stalked out of the kitchen with a murderous glint in her eyes.

You pushed your cereal away from yourself once she had left, any hunger vanishing from the strange feeling that still hung in the air.

"It's probably in your best interests to avoid Mabel for a while," Will's voice came from behind you. Being already on edge, it wasn't surprising that you nearly fell out of your seat. "She won't be happy when the amulet finally starts working again so it would probably be better if you weren't in the house until she was done blowing off steam."

"Why didn't it work like it was supposed to?" you asked, standing up so that you could properly face the blue-clad demon.

Will hung his head low, looking guiltier than ever. "I don't know," he said softly. "The amulets don't have completely unlimited power. I think it probably just needs a recharge but I don't know how long that would take."

"Good point," you admitted, trying your utmost not to mention your suspicions. "We should probably get out of here then."

"I can't leave at the moment," Will said quickly. "Sorry," he added on as an afterthought.

You made a show out of dramatically sighing. "Really? Now I'm going to have to wander around Gravity Falls all by myself with nobody to talk to. Unless I bump into Pacifica that is."

Will finally looked up, meeting your eyes and once again shocking you with their vibrant coloring. "That's a good idea," he told you. "Mabel would never think that you would be at the Mystery Shack. You should go there immediately."

You didn't have time to question him before he turned and hurriedly followed after Mabel.

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