Chapter 10: Betrayl

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Throughout your life, you had felt the sting of betrayal many times. The first time your mother had set you up on a playdate with a person you didn't like when you were in kindergarten. All the times when your best friend found something that appeared to be the smidgen bit more important than you. One of the worst had to be the first time you had told somebody a secret and they shared it with everyone. None of those compared to the betrayal you felt at the moment.

Not at Dipper. You had never trusted him to begin with and you expected him to do something like this. No, it was Will who was the root of your feelings. Will who was standing against one of the far walls, looking far more guilty and upset than you had ever seen him.

"I told him to answer any question you had," Dipper had said simply. "I didn't know you would ask so many... secretive questions. Things like the zodiac... I don't even want to hear how you found out about that." You had never seen him so talkative since you first met him.

You had offered very little resistance when Dipper had ordered Will to bring you into one of the rooms on the opposite side of the house. Something had told you that it was a bad idea to protest but now that you were standing in the middle of some strange zodiac with mystical chains on your arms, you were starting to regret it.

"People will notice if I vanish," you warned Dipper. For some reason, the silence in the room was deafening. "It'll raise suspicions because they know that I was meant to come here."

Dipper chuckled. He was paging through an old book of some kind. "No, I don't think it will," he replied smoothly. "If I say the word, everybody will believe that you disappeared while vacationing somewhere far away from Gravity Falls. I might even find it in myself to have a body planted."

You looked at Will but the demon refused to look at you. Everybody would think it if Will put some kind of spell on them. Unless... "You won't be able to get past the barrier!" you accused proudly.

Dipper looked up from the pages, eyes narrowed and you realized that you had made a mistake. "You know about the barrier?" he asked. "Looks like your source is more informative than I originally thought. No matter. There are other ways of ensuring that nobody notices or cares should you... disappear."

He had you there. The only people that you could think of that would possible know the truth were sitting in the Mystery Shack. Unable to help. "What are you going to do?" you asked.

"Send Will into your mind to see where the source of this information is coming from," Dipper said simply. "There's a way I can do it that doesn't require a handshake or anything stupid like that. I'm rather curious to find out what this other demon has to do with it all."

His response certainly got Will's attention and the dream demon's head snapped up with a look of terror. "But I've never done something like that before!" he attempted to protest. "I –"

"Shut up!" Dipper snapped, effectively silencing the demon. "I couldn't care what damage you do! To yourself or her! I just want that information!"

"Yikes!" Bill whispered, as if somebody could hear him inside your mind. "I have to admit, I prefer this version of Dipper far more than my own. He's pretty brilliant but unfortunately, I'm going to have to interrupt this plan."

The tingling sensation rushed over you and then your body was no longer your own.

The chains on your wrists exploded with a burst of yellow. With a flick of your hand, you sent Dipper flying backwards until he slammed hard into the wall. Will appeared to be in shock as he didn't do anything until you – no, Bill – started laughing. "Geez, sorry about that Pine Tree!" he cackled. "Forgot how to use a physical form all that well! Wait! Can I even call you that in this dimension?"

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