Something's A Little Strange

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Not once in your life did you ever think that pigs were hateful creatures. It seemed like they were far too lazy to feel such an emotions. Mabel's pig – Waddles – however was quickly changing your perception of pigs in general. He had a look in his beady, little eyes that told you he was plotting your demise and it probably wouldn't be pleasant.

He was an intimidating creature and you didn't feel like being anywhere within the range of the giant tusks that poked through his mouth. He closely resembled a large razorback boar even though Mabel assured you that he wasn't feral. You didn't believe her in the slightest.

Normally you tried your hardest to ignore him and trust Mabel to not let him try to skewer you. The twins were both out though and while you had initially thought it to be a good thing, you were starting to change your mind.

There was no way for you to curl up with a book and read when Waddles insisted on following you around the entire mansion. You would barely sit down and he would start grunting and snorting loudly until you got up again. It was that very reason why you found yourself sitting on one of the large kitchen counters and fixing him with a steely gaze over the top of your book. You still hadn't managed to start reading it properly.

Waddles settled down against the stove and met your gaze with his own dark glare. You were in a staring match with a pig. It sounded a little strange when you thought about it like that.

Somebody clearing their throat was what tore your attention away from the pig. Will stood in the entrance to the kitchen, his head hanging lower than usual and his eye looking quite puffy. He still wouldn't meet your eyes when he spoke to you but at least he had stopped stammering every time you said something to him.

"Hi," you greeted. You checked out of the corner of your eye for any sign of movement before continuing. "I didn't know you were still here. I thought you would have headed out with Dipper and Mabel."

Will nodded slowly. "I was meant to but Dipper thought it would be safer to not leave you completely alone. He says that you're not entirely trustworthy. Mabel argued with him because she thinks you're her favorite cousin. Dipper still wanted me to stay though."

You gave a humorless laugh. "That's only because I constantly flatter her. If I didn't, she'd probably hate me just as much as everybody else." The mild resentment in your tone was obvious even to you. The fact that you had to constantly complement her just to get her to tolerate you... Normal cousins either liked you or didn't, there was no conditions applied.

Will hesitated before shaking his head. "I don't think so. There are a lot of people that complement her often but she still doesn't like them. I believe she does have some degree of affection towards you."

"Well, I suppose that is... somewhat comforting," you admitted. "Do you think that she'll tell Waddles to leave me alone? Or maybe you could make him vanish into a cloud of smoke?" You paused. "Can you do that? I don't actually know much about your abilities."

"Technically I could if my powers were available but the bindings around the mansion prevents my magic," he explained quickly. "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I've been ordered not to touch Mabel's things either so going outside won't work."

You bit your tongue. How had he known you were going to suggest that? "She's always been rather possessive." You slowly slid off of the counter, watching Waddles all the while. With somebody else around, you were feeling a little more confident that he wouldn't charge you. "He really doesn't like me."

"It's got nothing to do with you. Waddles only likes one person and that's Mabel," Will explained.

"Is there anywhere in this mansion that he won't or can't follow me to?" you asked. "Just to hold out until the twins get back and I can ask Mabel to make him stop."

Will thought about it for a second before giving a small nod. "There is the roof," he offered. "There's no way that Waddles will be able to climb the ladder and follow you. I can show you if you would like?"

"The roof," you repeated. "You have no idea how perfect that sounds at the moment. Lead the way but..." Reaching over, you tilted his head up so that he was making eye contact with you. "It would be a bit awkward if you walked into something because you're always looking at the ground."

Will's visible eye went wide in shock and he stared at you blankly. It was the first time you had gotten a proper look at his eye and you were rather taken back. The shade of blue was so vibrant – despite being a little bloodshot and puffy – that it felt like his gaze was piercing straight through you. And the design on his eyepatch...

You both realized that you were staring at the same moment and looked away in unison. The silence that followed was a little awkward to say the least.

You cleared your throat and forced yourself to smile at him. "So how exactly would I get to the roof? This mansion's a bit of a maze."

Will gestured for you to follow him and led you quickly though the house. He seemed to know exactly where he was going without any hesitation. Yet he didn't say a word until the two of you reached a pretty out of place rope ladder that led to a small hatch in the ceiling. You felt kind of bad for making everything feel awkward. "Um... I don't want to bother you or anything but could you possible come with me?" you asked. "I'd feel safer if there was somebody else up there."

"There shouldn't be any danger," Will mumbled. "It's nearly impossible to fall off but if it makes you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to go up there. I could find somewhere else that Waddles wouldn't be able to follow you to."

You glanced around him at the boar who had settled himself across the hallway. He snorted at you when you looked at him. Daring you to try and double back.

"No, the roof's perfect," you reassured him. "I'm just a little uncertain when it comes to heights. I'm not exactly what one might call graceful."

Will looked uncertain but he glanced up at the ceiling hatch before nodding his head. "Okay," he said. "I'll come up with you."

Flashing him a smile that you hoped he saw, you started your climb up the unstable ladder. What you had expected didn't quite line up with the reality of what was on the other side of the hatch. A flat piece of the mansion's roof that was clearly set up for people. There was railing around the edges, a table with chairs and an umbrella as well as a small mini-fridge. It – like the rest of the house – was unnaturally clean. It made you feel quite uneasy but the lack of Waddles made that feeling fade quickly.

"This is an amazing view," you commented to Will. "I can see the entire town from here. All the way to the water tower."

Will nodded and you noticed that, once more, his eyes were downcast and away from you. "It's why the mansion was built here. It provides the perfect surveillance point."

"I'll admit that you had a point," you said. "I doubt that even I could managed to injure myself that badly while I'm up here. It looks safe enough."

"Dipper had it set up so that Mabel could get hurt," Will explained. "And she's pretty masterful so I doubt you could manage it. Would you like me to leave you to read?"

"No way!" you said. Will jumped a little at your volume. "Sorry but you need to tell me more about this whole set up," you said, gesturing to him and the mansion. "Mabel sure loves being vague... Only if you want to though."

Will hesitated and for a moment, you thought he was going to deny your request but he said, "I suppose I could. Just until the twins get back."

"Of course," you agreed happily.

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