Chapter 15: Me?

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Of all the things you had been expecting to see when you went to answer the door, yourself had not been one of them. They looked identical to you with only a few minor changes such as hairstyle and a different style of clothing. They blinked in confusion, eyeing you up and down as well. "What the...?" they trailed off as Mabel joined you.

"Hey (y/n)," she greeted, and you looked at her uncertainly. "Not you (y/n)," she quickly clarified. "Them (y/n)." She looked between the two of you and gave a small grin. "This is a lot weirder than I thought it would be. This is the (y/n) from our dimension and the (y/n) from another dimension," she introduced.

"Just when I thought this ridiculous town couldn't get any weirder," the other you said. They walked into the house, brushing past you and Mabel. "Ford had better have a good reason for bringing me back to this pathetic excuse for a house," they sniffed.

Mabel gave a small grin but it seemed almost strained. "I don't think anybody else is awake yet but – "

"I'll go wake them," they said sharply. They marched off, heading towards the bedroom and you looked at Mabel with wide eyes.

She offered you a sheepish grin. "Um... maybe you aren't the nicest person in this dimension but you're not the worst! Sometimes you're actually quite nice! Occasionally we get along quite well. Other times, I'm more inclined to ask Dipper if we can throw them through the portal and keep you here. Will can stay also."

"Drop it," you warned her, stalking off after the other you.

You were starting to get irritated with Mabel's insistent comments about Will. The dream demon had barely spoken a few words to you after your eyes decided to change color and shape. He was avoiding you and you were pretending not to notice. Except you did notice.

Of course you did.

The other you appeared to have woken Dipper up as he was leaning blearily against one of the walls, rubbing his eyes. "I see (y/n) is here," he commented as you and Mabel walked up.

"It's strange to hear people using my name but not talking to me," you commented.

Dipper gave a humorless laugh. "I thought it was you at first and I was going to ask what the hell you were thinking waking me up so early. Then I had a horrible moment of realization. I knew Ford invited them but I didn't think they would arrive so soon."

"Why did Ford invite another version of me?" you asked.

For a second Dipper looked confused and then he gave himself a small face palm. "Damn," he muttered. "I was going to tell you but I forgot. Ford thinks that we may be able to recreate a way back to your dimension using their DNA. Do you want me to explain in more detail or...?"

"It's fine," you assured him. "You may want to let everyone else know though." Especially Will, your mind added on. You didn't want him to think you had gone crazy for some reason.

Mabel jumped and ran off. "I'll go tell Will," she assured you. Sometimes you wondered whether or not she had mind-reading powers.

Dipper cringed and gave you an apologetic look. "I don't know if Mabel's prepped you or anything but I want to apologize in advance and forewarn you that in this dimension, your personality is almost completely swapped. You despise Gravity Falls and most things weird so, there's a high possibility that you won't be in the same room together for long."

"Strangely enough, I think I'll be fine with that," you admitted.

You kept an eye on the 'other you' as well as you could without it being obvious. They were clearly very bored, rapping their fingers across the table and glaring at nothing in particular. They didn't appear impressed with anything and they were making sure to keep a wide berth between the two of you.

Eventually you got to the point where you couldn't put up with it anymore. You walked as quietly as you could out of the lair/lab thing... you didn't know what they were calling it now.

Will was standing outside the vending machine when you pushed it open. He stared at you uncertainly, and for a second, you didn't think he was going to speak but he did. "They're getting closer," he told you. "I can feel the connection between our world and this one growing stronger."

"You can do that?" you asked, mildly impressed.

He blushed a little at the obvious awe in your voice. "I can do a lot of things. In terms of dream demons, I'm one of the most powerful ones out there. Well, I'm supposed to be."

Dipper was right, you thought. Out loud you said, "I'd hate to get on your bad side."

"I would never do anything bad on purpose," Will muttered. "Even if I am angry. I can't bring myself to harm other life..." he trailed off. "I suppose it makes me a pretty useless demon."

"Well, I'd rather have a 'useless' demon on my side than have a psychopathic one trying to kill me," you said, placing heavy emphasis on the air quotes. "I'm actually extremely grateful I'm not being forced to fight against you. I would hate having to do that."

"I couldn't harm you," Will admitted.

"Oh, I'm not worried about that," you reassured him. "I trust you. Not something I thought I would ever say to a demon but it's true. It's just that, I wouldn't want to fight you."

Will started to say something but stopped himself. "I wouldn't want to be on the opposing side to you either."

You sighed and nodded. "When did this become a side thing?"

"Probably when Bill kicked you out of our dimension," Will said.

"I think it was when Bill showed up in the first place," you muttered bitterly. Dipper had tried his hardest to convince you that it wasn't your fault and that the dream demon could trick anybody who hadn't met him before but it was a little hard to believe. As far as you knew, Dipper had never kick started an event that could destroy the universe.

Will seemed to pick up on the mood and he offered you a sympathetic look. "Dream demons are known to actively go after people who won't know anything about them. At least in our dimension. I used to be able to sense who was the most vulnerable person in an area, what they wanted, and whether I'd be able to trick them into making a deal. I never tested to see if it was right but Bill might have done the same thing."

"Used to?" you asked. "Why can't you do it anymore?"

Will cringed. "I guess... I haven't tried to. I've never liked doing it. It makes me feel like I'm invading somebody's privacy completely."

"You are a very strange dream demon," you said. "Not in a bad way. Just from what I've heard about other dream demons, it doesn't seem like you're anything like them."

"I don't get along well with them," he admitted. "I've met them a few times but I don't really like them. I find humans much more interesting. Even if they're not the most powerful species out there, they've got a lot of unique talents. I guess they were right." His shoulders slumped. "It was my own fault that the Gleefuls tricked me."

You rolled your eyes. "They probably would have found another way to do it even if you weren't curious about humans. My cousins are... I don't even know if I would call them human."

"They're much nicer here," Will said. "But the moment they open the portal, I'm going to have the bindings snap back into place."

"Is there a way to break them?" you asked. Your entire mind, body, and soul wanted to jump to Will's defense and make him cheer up when he looked so upset.

"Not that I know of," Will admitted softly.

You reached out on instinct and gently took his hand. "Don't worry about it," you reassured him. "I'm sure there's some way to do it."


Reverse!Bill Cipher (Will Cipher) ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora