Chapter 16: Back To The Reverse

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When you were living in your world, it always felt as though time was just dragging along. One hour often felt like a full day and you would never understand the complaint about not having enough time. You got everything done easily and there was always time to be bored. At least, so you felt.

Now that you were in this other dimension, time appeared to have picked up the pace. The days were flying by and before you knew it, it had been two weeks since you were kicked through the portal. The closer that Ford and Dipper came to reopening the bridge between the worlds, the more ill you were feeling. And not because you didn't want to go back. You didn't. Although it wasn't that that was making you feel ill.

The tattoo was burning you often now. It felt like a hot iron was being pressed into your skin constantly to brand you. You were struggling to eat and when you did, you often ended up vomiting a few hours later. Mabel caught you once but you brushed it off as food poisoning. Luckily, she didn't notice any blood and offered you some medicine the next day. It didn't help.

Oddly enough, you saw no outwards effects of whatever illness you had. You weren't losing weight from constantly bringing up your food. Your skin hadn't gotten any paler and you weren't sweating like you should have been.

You looked completely fine. It was scaring you a little.

Two days after the two-week mark had passed, you had hit some kind of standstill. Dipper and Ford had apparently managed to open a portal, if only for a brief second. You had been standing talking to Pacifica when it happened. A wave of pain and nausea had hit you at the same time, causing you to collapse without warning. Your leg refused to function for a good hour after that.

It was why you were currently sitting in the lab, having scans done on you. Thankfully the other version of you wasn't there. She had taken to making rather insulting comments whenever you were in earshot.

"You're not showing any visible signs of injury," Ford told you as he reviewed the information that had appeared on the screen. "Or illness. I don't understand why this would happen. Have you been feeling any other effects lately?"

"Lie," your mind whispered. The little voice in your head had been giving a lot of orders lately and you were listening to them without thinking twice.

"No," you responded.

Ford placed the tablet down and picked up a journal off the table. "Perhaps this is Bill's way of stopping you from returning to the Reverse," he summarized. "Cause extreme pain every time you get near a means of getting back."

"What did I ever do to him?" you muttered. "I actually thought I was a rather nice person when confronted with a dream demon."

"Bill doesn't need a reason to do anything," Ford responded. "He's probably just done this to cause you to suffer. He loves chaos and pain. This was probably all a joke to him. Although normally he does like to watch his jokes play out so this is a bit unusual."

A loud cackling laugh filled your head and your entire body ran cold. "Ah, Six-Fingers knows me too well," Bill said. "There's no way I would have pulled something like this without coming to see what happens."

"I –" you couldn't say anything more before your voice gained a mind of its own. "Don't really understand him."

Ford scoffed. "I don't think anybody would be able to. He's not the kind of creature that you want to understand either."

"Apparently, he's not the type of creature you can kill," Mabel added in.

Bill laughed loudly in your head, the sound seeming to bounce of the sides of your skull. "Doesn't this situation seem a little familiar? I'm in here, they're out there but you can't tell them what's going on inside your head. Do you know why? Because once you let me in, I never leave. Not properly. Even with Dipper and Fordsy over here."

Reverse!Bill Cipher (Will Cipher) ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now