-Kiss me like you mean it [Chapter 42]

Start from the beginning

“I can’t now you’ve made such a big deal out of it”

I smiled prodding his shoulder.

“Sorry for caring too much”

He chuckled and I bit my lip smiling at him. I didn’t reply just rested my body back into his and kissed his cheek.


“No, gosh you’re hopeless at this too, this hand here and then this one higher up”

Niall chuckled re-arranging my hands on the golf club. After spending some time on the beach and just walking around the lanes and stuff Niall decided we should play some mini-golf in this cute little place by the river. It was a really nice place but I’m hopeless.

“I haven’t played this in years, don’t take the pis”

I whined, Niall placed his hands over mine and shuffling over slightly he guided them to swing the club back and forward again shooting the ball off in completely the wrong direction.

“You obviously haven’t lived then”

He said plucking the ball from the grass where it had landed.

“Oh yeah?  I bet you’re no better”

I taunted and he raised an eyebrow placing the ball on the ground and picking up his own club from the ground.

“Wanna bet?”

He asked as he lined up his shot eyeing the hole carefully.

“Bring it on”

I snorted and he smiled standing up straight again and looking over at me as I sat carefully on the border of the course watching him.

“One kiss if I get this in first time?”

He tried and I rolled my eyes.


I nodded and he smiled lining up his shot again. I watched as he settled in his position then slowly brought the club back and swung it forth again sending the ball hurtling straight towards the hole. I bit my lip as he watched proudly as the ball plopped straight into the hall making a whirring noise as it spun in the small plastic dip.

He nodded satisfied with his shot then glancing to me a smile curling at his lips.

“No way”

I shook my head and he shrugged in pure innocence sauntering over to me.

“What can I say? I’m the man”

I rolled my eyes standing on my tiptoes to kiss him but pulled away after a few seconds.

“Is that all I get for my amazing shot?”

He complained and I nodded flashing him a smile satisfied with my tease.

“Yep, I’m gonna whip your ass at this by the time we’re done”

“Is that so? Well, with a professional teacher like me you may just do that”

I picked up the club positioning my hands the way Niall had showed me to, I looked over at the hole a rock in the path of the shot the river flowing behind.

“Oh my god! Did you see that? That was some skills!”

I exclaimed at my shot of the ball crashing straight into the in-conveniently placed rock, flicking up and over it and landing straight in the hole.


Niall snorted.

“Beginners luck, bet you wished you had bet on that one”

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