Chapter 24

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Your Pov:

     After my heated argument with Camila, I drove to a secluded place that no one ever went. Once I parked I took off my shoes and rolled a part of my pants up. I walked down the sand and then sat on the sand, facing the ocean. I sighed as I kept thinking about the argument.

    I felt my phone buzzing and I grabbed it and saw Dinah trying to face time. I wiped the tears that I didn't even know escaped and I cleared my throat and smiled once I answered. I saw Jake come through the phone and he had it really close to his face making me laugh. "Jake you're too close" I said and he made a confused face and then I saw come in the screen. "Sorry he wanted to check up on you" she said smiling and I laughed. "He's so adorable" I said smiling and the Dinah looked behind me. "Well I can tell you're not with Camila so, where are you?" She asked and I shrugged "Are the kids there with you?" I asked and she shook her head. "No they went out side to play" she said and I exhaled deeply. "Well I got into a heated arugument with Camila about her drinking and I asked for a divorce since I know she won't change" I said sadly and she gave me a sympathetic look. "Well you can stay with me that way it ain't awkward back at home" she said and I smiled. "Thanks D, I really appreciate it, I'll be there in a couple minutes" I said and she nodded and waved bye and then I ended it and got up.

     I made myself presentable and I rang the bell and the door opened and I looked down and saw Jake hugging my legs and Dinah came running to the door. "I told him you were coming and once you rang the bell he screamed and ran to the door" She said and I laughed and picked him up. "J you can't do that okay, what if I was someone else" I said and he shook his head. "Sorry Daddy it won't happen again" He mumbled and I saw Dinah smile. We went inside and i set Jake down and he sat on the floor and played with his toys. I sat on the couch and Dinah sat down next to me with a water bottle in her hand. "Do you want some?" She asked and I shook my head no. I heard running and I saw Josie smiling as she was covered in dirt. "Josie what did you do" Dinah said disappointed. She innocently shrugged and Dinah groaned and got up. "Lets go to the bathroom" Dinah said while grabbing Josie's hand. I quietly laughed and I sat on the floor with Jake. "Hey J, How are you liking it here?" I asked him and he looked up at me and smiled. "Yea I love it here because I'm always with Josie" he said and I nodded. "What about Dinah" I asked and he stopped playing with his toys and smiled. "I luv her, she's like another mommy to me and I think she likes you" He said I smiled and laughed.

     Jake and Josie started laughing when the chicken in Moana kept falling off the boat. I smiled as my kids enjoyed the movie and I looked up at Dinah and she smiled as she held them in her arms. I yawned and leaned my head back and I felt Dinah run her fingers through my hair making me sigh in relief. "I have to work tomorrow so ima get our bags off my car" I said and she nodded.

     I laid in bed after I took a shower and I brushed my teeth. I put my phone to charge and the door opened and I saw Josie peek her head out. "Hey daddy do you work tomorrow" she said as she came in and got on the bed with me. "Yes but I don't go until 11 am so if you wake up early, I'll make breakfast and then we can go to the park for a bit" I said and she squealed. "Okay Daddy but can I sleep with you, I only get to see you in the afternoon sometimes" she said and I nodded. "Yes but tell mommy to help you change into your pajamas and I'll help you brush your teeth" I said and she smiled and got off the bed and ran out.

    I gently rubbed Josie's back as we laid in bed. I heard a soft knock "come in" I said and the door opened with Dinah carrying a sleepy Jake in her arms. I sat up and smiled at her. "Thanks for helping me out" I said and she smiled and sat down on the bed still carrying Jake. "Yea it's no problem but do you want to sleep with me so I can leave Jake here with Josie" she said and I nodded. "Yea sure" I said as I slowly got up and grabbed Jake and put him in bed beside Josie. "Goodnight kids" I whispered then kissed their heads. "Okay lets go to bed Dinah" I said and she nodded and left to the room as I got my phone and charger and then i stood by the door and looked at my kids. I smiled and walked to Dinah's room, I closed the door and I put my phone to charge.

    I groaned as the sunlight hit my face and then suddenly felt someone hold me close to them. I opened my eyes immediately regretting it. I looked down and saw Dinah by my side holding onto me making me smile a little. I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and suddenly the door was wide open. I mentally groaned as my kids got on the bed and started jumping and making noise. "Ugh get out and let me sleep" Dinah mumbled and Josie giggled and leaned down to Dinah's face. "Come on mommy its 6 in the morning lets do something" Josue said and she shook her head. "No just take a quick nap with us." Dinah said and Josie got in between us and so did Jake making Dinah separate from me. They all fell asleep but I stayed awake and smiled at them.

    This is the Family that I always dreamed of.

     Yes I'm still alive and I'm sorry for bit updating earlier. I was traveling a lot and I could've went to 2 other places but I'm tired and I wanted to update and not obly that but this chapter got deleted but me being smart (surprisingly) went to Revision History and got everything back and added more stuff. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Endgame: Camila or Dinah
    I've been getting a lot of Dinah so far



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