Chapter 11

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*your fake tattoos except for the on his chest*

Your pov:
     I put on my outfit and I walked to my bathroom and spiked my hair up and then wrapped a bandana around my forehead near my hair. I looked in the mirror and I actually looked like a cholo. I walked to my room and put on my gold watch and put my phone in my pocket. I got my keys and walked put of my room and locked it. I walked to the elevator and waited to go down. Once it binged I went through the back doors of the hotel and got in my car. I drove out of the parking lot and drove to camila's house.


     I turned onto her street and drove down until I saw her house. I parked my car and I slowly got out of my car and then shut the door and locked my car. I walked to the door and rang the bell. The door opened and I saw Arnny. "Hey dude come in" he said and I waved at him while I walked in. "Camilla is almost done getting ready" he said once he shut the door and I nodded "I heard about Dinah leaving" he said but I shook my head as I heard footsteps come down the stairs. "Arnny" Camila said to him in a mad voice "sorry" he said "she didn't leave" I said and they looked at me weirdly "but she left the note and her ring" camila said "okay I know but her clothes and stuff are still in my room... I called her and a man picked up and he said if I want her back that I would have to find her and he knows who I am" I said and they gasped "so they kidnapped her" Arnny said and Camila smacked him behind the head "of course you dumbass" she said and he groaned "okay but before we go, Arnny can you put fake tattoos on my arms" I asked him and he tilted his head in confusion "why" he asked and I sighed "Because I'm a cholo and every cholo has at least a few tattoos" I said and he nodded

     I took off my flannel and sat on a chair and waited for him to come back. Camila sat right next to me and rubbed my back "Don't worry y/nn I know we will find Dinah" she said to me with a smile and I nodded "thanks Mila I needed that" I said giving her a small smile and I looked her in the eyes but she had hers on my lips, I looked at hers and she was bitting her lip. She leaned in closer and so did I until a huge noise from besides interrupted us making us separate. We both looked to the floor and saw Arnny picking up a paper with fake tattoos. "Sorry I tripped" he said getting up then walking towards us. "You're a Cabello I'm not surprised" I said and they both playfully smacked me "okay so these tattoos last for a week or two so how many do you want" he said handing me the paper and I chose the one with a forest that went on my wrist. "Oh do that one that's cool" Camila said pointing to a long one that could cover my whole arm. "Okay yea but on my other arm" I said Arnny nodded. "Okay so in 5 minutes take the paper off of your arms and you'll have your tattoos good to go" he said and I nodded "okay thanks" I said and he walked away

  "So are you ready to probably confront one of the biggest criminals here" Camila asked and I nodded "yup" I said and she sighed "what's wrong" I asked and she looked up at me "what if he has Dinah to get to you since your trying to catch him" she said and I thought about it for a while "your probably right but if he does ill just have to bare with it even if it hurts to see her there but if he or anyone else does something to her, I will kill him even if his men try to kill me" I said and she held my hand "it'll be okay, but as you said if we do find her there I'll just call back up and everyone who can help to take his was down and not only break down his business but also save Dinah" she said and I nodded "yea" I said and I saw Arnny come into the room wearing pants, Dress shoes and a button up shirt "dude where are you going" I asked and he smiled "I'm going on a date with Kristen" he said and he got his phone off the counter and quickly left. "Well then" I said and Camila giggled "okay so your tattoos should be done by now" she said and I nodded. She took off the papers and I saw my tattoos and smiled. "I look like a badass with tattoos" I said and she laughed "yea you do but lets go" she said and I nodded.

    We locked up the house and got in the car and I handed her a gun. "Why are you giving me a gun" she said "because whether I am with you or not you need to protect yourself okay I don't want you to get hurt" I said and she nodded "okay" she said and then opened her phone up and gave me directions to their house. "Jesus Christ that's far" I said as I started up my car "I know but they're drug dealers so the live far from all the police so it will be harder to find them" Camila said and I nodded "that's true" I said as I looked at her phone and put my car on drive and drove to the drug dealers house which will probably take an hour or two. "Oh yea and supposedly they also have a yacht with drugs and are also selling them like that" she said and I sighed "Damn" I whispered to myself

     I know its been forever since I updated but I'm currently working on a book but I dont know when I will publish it since I only have like 10 Chapters but I'm trying to work on my book that's on hold.



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